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- Re: hormones and depression PeterMartin 8/4/23
- Re: Antibiotic (doxycycline) treatment for depression rivervile 3/18/23
- Re: remission ))SLS » SLS undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: 'Recovery' » SLS Hugh 1/27/23
- Re: I'm finding seroquel to be activating. undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: Mood stabiliser + antipsychotic for depression » SLS undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: Linkadge medication Ruuudy 2/6/23
- Re: 5 weeks » SLS undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: Does Wellbutrin plays the role of adjunct to SRIs? » SLS undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: Combining stims and antipsychotics? Yes/No? Christ_empowered 1/20/23
- Re: lithium rjlockhart37 1/22/23
- Re: Lamictal (lamotragine) dose 1 or 2 x a day? » Jay2112 SLS 1/21/23
- Re: inositol? » SLS undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: Extensive review on Lithium Orotate. undopaminergic 1/17/23
- Re: Choose any 4 drugs to combine for remission. Lamdage22 1/18/23
- Discord (chat room) for depression/anhedonia PeterMartin 1/17/23
- Is there any evidence that Trazodone curbs OCD? Lamdage22 1/19/23
- Ruoxinlin (Ansofaxine) SNDRI in 2023 - thoughts? PeterMartin 1/22/23
- Lithium biochemistry (low level mechanisms) undopaminergic 1/24/23
- clomipramine insomnia - does it ever go away? TriedEveryMedication 1/25/23
- Psychology Today articles about psychedelics Hugh 1/27/23
- Valium Englishman006! 1/29/23
- Lithium in suicide prevention -- short review undopaminergic 1/31/23
- Lithium and kidney function review undopaminergic 2/1/23
- Those lucky Aussies Hugh 2/3/23
- Are Neuroleptics brain specific anticholinergics? Lamdage22 2/4/23
- Meds for severe anxiety tensor 2/14/23
- lithium adjustments rjlockhart37 2/17/23
- adderallXR: NEED help please..everyone Jay2112 2/18/23
- Good christian books as presents Lamdage22 2/20/23
- long term gman22 2/20/23
- My psydoc added Fluanxol to Cariprazine ... i feel Jeroen 2/20/23
- Is Cyplyta a reasonably strong antipsychotic? Lamdage22 2/20/23
- Back on Trazodone Lamdage22 2/24/23
- Did COVID affect your illness or meds? Roslynn 2/24/23
- Another review on lithium and renal impairment undopaminergic 2/25/23
- Anaphylaxis emergency meds and psychmeds interacti Lamdage22 2/26/23
- The myth of 'normal'.... Jay2112 3/1/23
- Dosed Hugh 3/3/23
- New antidepressants in the pipeline? SLS 3/11/23
- message for SLS rose45 3/12/23
- maoi poop out rose45 3/12/23
- My list of drugs taken over the last 40 years. SLS 3/13/23
- for SLS rose45 3/13/23
- Even Mild COVID Is Hard on the Brain SLS 3/14/23
- Re Re for SLS rose45 3/14/23
- for sls rose45 3/14/23
- to sls rose45 3/14/23
- ChatGPT is fun to ask about medicines.... PeterMartin 3/15/23
- to sls again rose45 3/16/23
- Good Luck. SLS 3/20/23
- for sls again rose45 3/21/23
- Depression in some women linked to a single enzyme Hugh 3/21/23
- Doxycycline undopaminergic 3/22/23
- Dayvigo mobe 3/23/23
- Dayvigo mobe 3/23/23
- fish oil for depression? Roslynn 3/27/23
- Astaxanthin,,The most POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT Jay2112 3/29/23
- Re: Astaxanthin,,The most POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT SLS 3/29/23
- Re: Astaxanthin,,The most POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT » Jay2112 SLS 3/29/23
- Re: Astaxanthin,,The most POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT » SLS Jay2112 3/29/23
- Re: Astaxanthin,,The most POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT » Jay2112 SLS 4/1/23
- Re: Astaxanthin,,The most POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT » SLS Jay2112 4/2/23
- Re: Astaxanthin..antidepressant too. » SLS Jay2112 4/2/23
- Re: Astaxanthin..antidepressant too. » Jay2112 SLS 4/4/23
- Re: Astaxanthin..antidepressant too. » SLS Jay2112 4/7/23
- Anti-inflammatories and lithium » SLS undopaminergic 4/8/23
- NSAIDs » Jay2112 undopaminergic 4/8/23
- Re: Anti-inflammatories and lithium » undopaminergic SLS 4/8/23
- Flupentixol tensor 4/1/23
- Dayvigo Mobe 4/1/23
- Trimipramine...questions.. Jay2112 4/2/23
- Does anyone still take aripiprazole (Abilify)? SLS 4/2/23
- improved rjlockhart37 4/6/23
- To SLS Roslynn 4/10/23
- Antidepressants to combine with Effexor? Roslynn 4/14/23
- Depression: A Spectrum SLS 4/20/23
- I am deactivating my Babblemail in 24 hours. SLS 4/26/23
- Homeostasis and Patience. Easy to say, hard to do. SLS 4/28/23
- Slipped amd 5/3/23
- So...... Jay2112 5/9/23
- Reversing wrong-way brain signals Hugh 5/16/23
- I'm still here and not sure what's going on Roslynn 5/28/23
- Great personal article on micro-dose for anxiety/d Jay2112 5/28/23
- Oh my God it is still here. (TMS) zonked 6/2/23
- What caused SLS remission + zonked 6/5/23
- How LSD, psilocybin reduce depression discovered Hugh 6/7/23
- lithium lift rjlockhart37 6/15/23
- Psilocybin microdosing: Google search SLS 6/19/23
- Zuranolone SLS 6/25/23
- Novel Antidepressants in the Pipeline SLS 6/26/23
- Cannabis use and the risk of depression. SLS 6/28/23
- Vortioxetine: depression and cognition in dementia SLS 6/28/23
- Probiotics and depression. SLS 6/28/23
- New bipolar treatments Markwell 7/1/23
- Many drugs likely cause changes to dopamine system Jay2112 7/5/23
- APs work differently than scientists believed SLS 7/22/23
- Actions of Nefazadone as SSRI add-on porkpiehat 7/26/23
- Loss of labido caused by Mirtazipine! Englishman006! 8/4/23
- Comings soon to a theater near you... SLS 8/4/23
- How come can now get to babble. Not unsafe? Phillipa 8/4/23
- FDA Approves zuranolone (Zurzuvae) SLS 8/4/23
- L-Carnosine as an add-on therapy Hugh 8/6/23
- Really fatigued by risperidone and paroxetine Jaxter99 8/6/23
- Are four meds too many? NKP 8/11/23
- Top US Hospitals for Psychiatric Care Ranked SLS 8/12/23
- Quercetin for depression and anxiety? Anyone? SLS 8/12/23
- Partial response to vortioxetine (Brintellix) undopaminergic 8/16/23
- Single dose nicotine effect on reward responsivity undopaminergic 8/16/23
- I'm responding to Berberine and Resveratrol (Lyme) Jeroen 8/19/23
- ECT tensor 8/20/23
- Any experiences w/ the Russian nootropic Semax? PeterMartin 8/23/23
- nortriptyline+sertraline+methylphendate gman22 9/4/23
- Addition of escitalopram to venlaflaxine...wow!! Jay2112 9/9/23
- methylphenidate gman22 9/13/23
- Re gman22 9/14/23
- Tetris increases hippocampal volume Hugh 9/29/23
- Zuranalone is 'deemed' ineffective for MDD by FDA. SLS 10/10/23
- depressio responding to cat's claw Buhner protocol Jeroen 10/17/23
- Nortriptyline addition (25mg) seems to help...... PeterMartin 10/26/23
- psilocybin for depression ? henryo 11/1/23
- Ketamine for anxiety/depression henryo 11/1/23
- How psychedelics change the brain Hugh 11/30/23
- Adderall help, please!!! Jay2112 12/1/23
- Vortioxetine revisited at 20 mg undopaminergic 12/8/23
- Availability of generic phenelzine (Nardil)? SLS 12/8/23
- Psychedelic Renaissance, a 3-part report on CBS Hugh 12/11/23
- Seasons Greetings. SLS 12/25/23
- Covid-19 impacts atypical 1/1/24
- Partial ADHD - annoying restlessness, agitation Alchemy 1/3/24
- Where would you be without my meds deniseuk190466 1/10/24
- How do you define complete remission? deniseuk190466 1/31/24
- If ECT is the gold standard deniseuk190466 1/31/24
- Psychedelic linked with improved sexual function Hugh 2/7/24
- Do memory and balance side-effects of trazodone... TriedEveryMedication 2/16/24
- A new way to treat depression and anxiety Hugh 2/20/24
- Abilify: my life partner Christ-empowered 3/12/24
- Ecstasy Rising Hugh 3/22/24
- thoughts on 'guided' psilocybin therapy? TriedEveryMedication 3/25/24
- What do we know about the biology of depression? SLS 4/1/24
- Bupropion + modafinil alternatives Tony P 4/4/24
- Drug Effects on the EEG Hugh 4/17/24
- Site is back? Nice + Remission anyone? PeterMartin 5/6/24
- Auvelity responded but now incredible exhaustion pedr 5/24/24
- Noninvasive focused ultrasound for depression Hugh 5/26/24
- tTIS - noninvasive deep brain stimulation Hugh 6/2/24
- Trimetazidine(?) for bipolar depression (2023study PeterMartin 6/5/24
- Biomagnetic pair therapy - my experiences Hugh 7/5/24
- Update undopaminergic 7/12/24
- Testosterone Replacement for mood issues? PeterMartin 7/23/24
- Anesthesia 'super dreams' soothe trauma Hugh 8/3/24
- Need advice on meds for sleep deniseuk190466 10/21/24
- Microdosing ketamine Hugh 11/7/24
- Navacaprant (KOR antagonist) - 2025 for anhedonia? PeterMartin 11/16/24
- check in gman22 11/19/24
- Diadem for depression, PTSD, addictions, pain Hugh 11/21/24
- Thank God for Zyprexa deniseuk190466 12/3/24
- My depression treatment for the past 10 weeks Hugh 12/16/24
- Happy 2025! I'm still here :) PeterMartin 1/7/25
- Remission on ketamine Beckett2 1/21/25
- A Psychedelic Journey on CBS 60 Minutes Hugh 2/3/25
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Babbletime: Sat Mar 8 20:01:51 CST 2025
Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble
Copyright 1998-2017 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.