Posted by Lou Pilder on March 31, 2014, at 21:39:02
In reply to Lou's request-lybulpursehy » Willful, posted by Lou Pilder on March 31, 2014, at 21:13:22
> > Just in case it would be a consolation, Lou, I'd like to assure you that I see virtually no possibility that any subset of readers will think less of you based on what anyone says to or about you.
> >
> > There is much of what you have written, which reveals your goals and your turn of mind-- much too much for anyone to base their opinion on what any other individual has said about you. When so much direct evidence exists-- people go to the source-- ie what you have written. They come to their own conclusions-- and make their judgments based on what you have written.
> >
> > I also think there is absolutely no one who will possibly commit suicide or be driven to any sort of desperation, deeper depression or suicidal despair based on what is said about you here. People commit suicide because of hopelessness about their own lives and a sense of pain and purposelessness. I am quite sure that no one will be so affected by what is said to or about you, and what is let stand, and what therefore could be taken as positive for the community, about you. That just isn't the kind of thing that affects anyone so deeply, as to cause them to kill themselves.
> >
> > I'm sorry if you don't understand this clearly and torture yourself about the possible ramifications here. But while you may find these things unpleasant, others will act self destructively only if their are powerful forces in their own lives, that impel them.
> >
> > I hope you can take some comfort in that. It may be hurtful to you, and I"m sorry if it is, but you can put your mind to rest about how destrructive it is to others.
> W,
> You wrote,[...I see virtually no possibility that any subset of readers will think less of you based on what anyone says to or about you...].
> I am unsure as to what you are wanting to mean by that. If you could post answers to the following, then I could have the opportunity to respond accordingly.
> True or false:
> A. A poster is immune from liability if they call another "bigoted."
> B. Psychologists have published research that shows that people that are called bigoted, can not have any harm inflicted upon their reputation.
> C. Psychologists have published research that shows that a person called a bigot, or bigoted, could never have emotional distress inflicted upon them by that.
> D. Calling someone bigoted in this forum can not lead the targeted person to feel put down or accused.
> Lou
You wrote;
[...what you have written..reveals your goals...(readers) make their judgments based upon what you have written...]
I am unsure as to what you are wanting to mean here. If you could post answers to the following, then I could have the opportunity to respond accordingly.
True or False:
P. My goals are to save lives, prevent life-ruining conditions/addiction and to purge the anti-Semitic statements being allowed to stand here.
Q. The poster of the name calling against me here in discussion, based those names on what my goals are.
R. There is something that I have written that justifies all of the names that I am called here
S. The anti-Semitic statement, [...No non-Christian can enter heaven...] being allowed to be seen as supportive here, shows a sensitivity to Jewish readers.
poster:Lou Pilder