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Posts from archive 20050202
- Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news-Claritin gadman 2/2/05
- Re: Celexa and Alcohol -- DUH! AshaMyAsha 2/6/05
- Re: Light box - Vitamin D? Elainep 2/2/05
- Re: No Withdrawal Symptoms? Marg 2/4/05
- Re: Negative Effexor Experience CK1 2/2/05
- Re: treatment resistant depression Hopeful at last 2/5/05
- Re: Serzone Elroy 2/6/05
- Re: Rohypnol and date rape » Larry Hoover CareBear04 2/2/05
- Re: Geodon withdrawal » BigJim cscolvin 2/5/05
- Re: Cymbalta (duloxetine) - report tendency 2/2/05
- Re: Effexor XR to Cymbalta transition » gadman gadman 2/2/05
- Re: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder thinkfast 2/3/05
- Re: Psychostimulant Neurotoxicity banga 2/3/05
- Re: QUESTION » Jeroen ed_uk 2/2/05
- Re: Provigil for Depression/Motivation/Energy pfc champion 2/4/05
- Re: Stimulant withdrawal » zeugma ed_uk 2/2/05
- Re: Excercise Backfire. » Minnie-Haha CareBear04 2/3/05
- Re: You're lucky to be alive after getting demerol » Willyee Willyee 2/2/05
- Re: Cymbalta vs. weight gain redscarlet 2/3/05
- Re: Beta Blockers and Tachycardia » KaraS ed_uk 2/2/05
- Re: gabitril kriskraft 2/2/05
- Re: gabatril CareBear04 2/3/05
- Re: Sleep Meds Don't Work! » Phillipa CareBear04 2/3/05
- Heroin, are you still around? (nm) ed_uk 2/3/05
- Re: STIMULANT OPTIONS, please! alohashirt 2/2/05
- Re: Lunesta » Bill LL CareBear04 2/3/05
- Re: Seroquel for anxiety/panic disorder? » med_empowered ravenstorm 2/2/05
- Re: No, but how about clothes? crazychickuk 2/2/05
- Oh-- caffeine (though better if not daily). (nm) » Michael Bell Questionmark 2/3/05
- Re: HOW DARE YOU CALL NARDIL 'HORRID'!!!!!!!!!!!!! » ace Maxime 2/2/05
- Re: Anhedoniaaaaa: Can You Help Please! gromit 2/3/05
- Re: Can Remeron dry you up? » Phillipa CareBear04 2/3/05
- Re: Early Cytomel (T3) experience Questionmark 2/3/05
- Thank you, everyone. Nimrod 2/2/05
- Re: depakote er and weight loss? » Nicki CareBear04 2/2/05
- Re: Anyone heard of this interaction - Yasmin/Lami » wildflower CareBear04 2/3/05
- Re: CO-PROXAMOL will soon be discontinued in the UK pretty_paints 2/3/05
- Re: low-dose LITHIUM - what to combine it with???? » bipolarspectrum CareBear04 2/2/05
- Re: According to a therapist from last year... banga 2/2/05
- Re: AD/HD seems to be one huge paradox..oh my my » aazospiro zeugma 2/2/05
- Re: Any mood stabilizers NOT affecting Na+/ Ca++ linkadge 2/2/05
- TO SPRIGGY Jeroen 2/3/05
- Re: U.S. Military service and psychiatric conditio pretty_paints 2/3/05
- Re: i'm experiencing a psychotic breakdown Racing Heart 2/2/05
- Re: is cogentin causing my memory problems? alienatari 2/3/05
- Re: Manerix - Moclebemide » Maxime ixus 2/2/05
- Re: Why don't I just die? reefer 2/3/05
- I took Lamictal while pregnant, lithium too lizbeth 2/2/05
- Yes, I've Noticed jen2 2/2/05
- Re: SSRI's interacting with Lithium holymama 2/2/05
- Re: allergy Mark H. 2/3/05
- Re: SEROQUEL/WEIGHT GAIN/APPETITE med_empowered 2/2/05
- Re: Has anyone taken more than 60 mg Cymbalta? med_empowered 2/2/05
- benzo tolerance med_empowered 2/2/05
- Amphetamine Memantine SadDoggie 2/2/05
- How many members on this site? SadDoggie 2/2/05
- Expired meds :) SadDoggie 2/2/05
- Cymbalta - No Go - Going Back to Effexor gadman 2/2/05
- emme, how is the memantine trial going? ravenstorm 2/2/05
- Least Intrusive SSRI gadman 2/2/05
- HELP ME - Augment the effect of Parnate Maxime 2/2/05
- Help me with Effexor XR Racing Heart 2/2/05
- Donna Louise: Still on Cymbalta? Minnie-Haha 2/2/05
- Anyone taking selegiline and being effective? Cristine 2/2/05
- How to dispose of meds Minnie-Haha 2/2/05
- Has Anyone Stopped Effexor With No Withdrawal? Kalena 2/2/05
- Klonopin - hair loss, gray hair sdb 2/2/05
- Aniexty and mania xxEMOxx 2/2/05
- NEW...OSANETANT or TALNETANT for schizophrenia jtevers 2/2/05
- Effexor XR--How do I stop and what happens Racing Heart 2/2/05
- Anyone taking benzos for bi-polar? tendency 2/2/05
- PDOC charged Ilegal distribution controlled substa Phillipa 2/2/05
- benzos and tolerance Paul Smith 2/2/05
- effexor xr- sweating side effect lexman 2/2/05
- Adderall and weight loss? banga 2/2/05
- EFFEXOR withdrawal or WELLBUTRIN side effects?? Dkscully 2/2/05
- passing out and small pupils Spriggy 2/2/05
- Article: 50mg vs. 200mg Lamictal theo 2/2/05
- GHB for anxiety? SadDoggie 2/3/05
- My incompetent psychiatrist SadDoggie 2/3/05
- booked in for an EEG Jed_G 2/3/05
- luvox working thinkfast 2/3/05
- Stopped making Pamelor? lablvr 2/3/05
- FDA deems VNS Therapy™ Approvable jrbecker 2/3/05
- Adderall users-what to expect? banga 2/3/05
- UK government warns doctors of risk of Strattera ed_uk 2/3/05
- FDA Approves Implant for Depression Treatment Wildflower 2/3/05
- BP- periodic bouts of depression - any advice? olysi79 2/3/05
- even the MOOD STABLIZERS seem to make me MANIC! bipolarspectrum 2/3/05
- To Ed (and anyone else!) - Update on how I'm doing pretty_paints 2/3/05
- psych meds and blood pressure CareBear04 2/3/05
- can seroquel cause psychotic taught? psychosis? Jeroen 2/3/05
- About to start Pregablin-Lyrica! TheOutsider 2/3/05
- Lamictal, SAMe and Inositol tendency 2/3/05
- Wellbutrin and Lexapro Mildred 2/3/05
- I Don't Understand? Phillipa 2/3/05
- Anyone get hypomanic on Lamictal? smith562 2/3/05
- SSRI induced erectile dysfunction - Discussion ghuber 2/3/05
- Trazadone and sleep, anyone? BennyJ 2/3/05
- Long-term sexual side effects after quitting SSRIs Vornan19 2/3/05
- Benzos with amphetamines SadDoggie 2/3/05
- DOCTOR MORONS - PROVIGIL pfc champion 2/4/05
- Glutamate and social anxiety sabre 2/4/05
- Antipsychotic plus Amphetamine SadDoggie 2/4/05
- Effexor side effects - drenching night sweats tickie 2/4/05
- Sedatives for anxiety SadDoggie 2/4/05
- ABILIFY may have trashed my LIBIDO SLS 2/4/05
- Adderall and ADHD vs nonADHD banga 2/4/05
- SSRIs and Pregnancy: Today's news in the UK ed_uk 2/4/05
- Focalin/Ritalin for anorgasmia? Keith Talent 2/4/05
- Wellbutrin/bupropion + SAMe MTee 2/4/05
- Sometimes It Seems to Come Out of Thin Air cubbybear 2/4/05
- Tryptophan in the UK ed_uk 2/4/05
- depakote er and increased anxiety/paranoia etc.. nicki 2/4/05
- Getting off the pdoc merry-go-round Optimist 2/4/05
- Going to be taking Lexapro.... amygirl_011 2/4/05
- Are there good and bad places to have ECT? denise1904 2/4/05
- Opinions on Cymbalta deepdarkhole 2/4/05
- Wellbutrin dizzy heart palps -- Please HELP crushedout 2/4/05
- Want to buy Chabo 2/4/05
- darvocet CareBear04 2/4/05
- How Do You Concentrate On Meds? Phillipa 2/4/05
- Lunesta......... Willyee 2/4/05
- Effexor and Thanks Racing Heart 2/4/05
- Phillipa. I thought this might be of use to you Maxime 2/4/05
- Anyone feel better after getting off med-go-round? sedona 2/5/05
- Neurogenesis in rat cortex - not just hippocampus SLS 2/5/05
- XILOPAR® - sublingual Selegiline rod 2/5/05
- cymbalta vs. effexor flmm 2/5/05
- memantine update emme 2/5/05
- MEDICINAL MARIJUANA? medhed 2/5/05
- meds for agitated depression? Spriggy 2/5/05
- Just 21/2 wks ofAdderall and effects diminishing!! calamityjane 2/5/05
- effects of lowered Paxil dosage sunshine3 2/5/05
- just starting zoloft - side effects? knicknack55 2/5/05
- Can Seroquel make you mean? MTNDOG 2/5/05
- short or long acting benzos produce more tolerance KaraS 2/5/05
- zebra syndromes? CareBear04 2/5/05
- Dexedrine Spansules bark2323 2/5/05
- SSRI induced hypomania Spriggy 2/5/05
- paxil cr krybrahaha78 2/5/05
- Would any of my meds cause these symptoms? Maxime 2/5/05
- Something maybe fishy......? Willyee 2/6/05
- Eliminating Parnate poop-out? EERRIICC 2/6/05
- Weight gain on ABILIFY? pretty_paints 2/6/05
- a schizophrenic illness - what does THAT mean? pretty_paints 2/6/05
- Sunday (eve.) Rots! cubbybear 2/6/05
- cymbalta and weight loss nicki 2/6/05
- depression and discontinue of meds flmm 2/6/05
- Why no alcohol on Effexor? jen2 2/6/05
- Dr. Bob - A withdrawal board? Maxime 2/6/05
- Is there a medication out there? stresser 2/6/05
- wellbutrin and weight loss ghost 2/6/05
- Has Anyone Ever Used Chloral Hydrate? Phillipa 2/6/05
- MAOI and a Stimulant - how to stop? Maxime 2/6/05
- Psycho Babble hog :) Thanks Dr. Bob Maxime 2/6/05
- Please Read!! Need to stop Lexapro Cold Turkey BRC 2/6/05
- Effexor Xr innards coming out in stool !?!?! Char 2/6/05
- Effexor Withdrawals- What Helps Rosee 2/6/05
- cymbalta withdrawel suslee 2/6/05
- Depression with a temper Looking for new med Rosee 2/6/05
- Question for Jessica! cubbybear 2/6/05
- Effexor californiagirl 2/7/05
- So tired. So very very Tired (Parnate) and Stablon alienatari 2/7/05
- No more Lithium + questioning dx slinky 2/7/05
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Babbletime: Sun Mar 9 17:42:11 CDT 2025
Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble
Copyright 1998-2017 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.