Shown: posts 1 to 19 of 19. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Hey hey hey. I'm so glad to be a part of this site. I don't reallie know aniebodie yet, but I'd be happy to talk to anie one. Well that's all i have for now.
Posted by rainyday on April 27, 2004, at 10:54:04
In reply to HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Hello to you too. I'm rainyday, hoping to become partlycloudy.
Welcome to babble. What's going on with you today? I started out today OK, but then I went to work!!
I am getting agitated and anxious, something I can't seem to avoid lately. I don't know how to chill out at all, without taking a xanax! I am trying meditation but can't seem to get my thoughts to slow down long enough to do it.
Posted by Dinah on April 27, 2004, at 11:06:09
In reply to HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Hi there and welcome. Feel free to jump in with both feet on whatever threads look interesting to you!
Posted by All Done on April 27, 2004, at 11:06:21
In reply to HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Well hello there, Ivan Michael! Nice to meet you! How are you today?
I've been around here since sometime in November.
Social is a great place to get support or just have fun (depending on your mood :)). I might add that some of us girls might welcome an additional male perspective on things. Hope to see you around some more.
Take care,
All Done
Posted by gardenergirl on April 27, 2004, at 11:27:06
In reply to Re: HELLO!!! » Ivan Michael, posted by All Done on April 27, 2004, at 11:06:21
Welcome. All kinds of fun and interesting stuff on this board and the others. Looking forward to learning about you. I've been on since, oh, I think December. Feels like home. You'll feel at home in no time, too.
Posted by Penny on April 27, 2004, at 11:32:11
In reply to HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Welcome to babble!
Posted by sdjeff on April 27, 2004, at 17:17:45
In reply to HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Glad you're here. People here are great and heve been supportive through rough times. Welcome to Pbabble.
Posted by Fallen4MyT on April 27, 2004, at 20:19:55
In reply to HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 27, 2004, at 10:26:16
Yo Ivan and welcome....I am Fallen :) I have been on Babble for about 3 months I am not sure...not too long I have anxiety from PTSD. When you get a chance tell us about you...when you are comfortable hugs
Posted by Ivan Michael on April 28, 2004, at 19:28:37
In reply to Re: HELLO!!! » Ivan Michael, posted by rainyday on April 27, 2004, at 10:54:04
Hey there rainyday. That's an interesting name. I'd ask how are ya but it sounds like your day wasn't too good. I don't know how to help you with your problem. I also have a mind that races at times. If I have even an open second, my mind races about aniething and everiething. I think up some of the worst wierdest and crazie things. Well I gotta go. Post somethin soon. Later.
Posted by Ivan Michael on April 28, 2004, at 19:51:09
In reply to Re: HELLO!!! » Ivan Michael, posted by All Done on April 27, 2004, at 11:06:21
hey there girl. it's good to hear from a friendlie person on days like this. I'v had a lot of people being verie polite. I like this site and think that i'll be here for a while. well i gotta go but anie time you want a "guys opinion" on something, just ask. I'd be happie to give you as good of an answer as i can. I'll post later.
Bye. Ivan.
Posted by Ivan Michael on April 29, 2004, at 10:17:55
In reply to Re: HELLO!!! » Ivan Michael, posted by Fallen4MyT on April 27, 2004, at 20:19:55
hey there fallen. i'm glad to be here. i dont reallie know what PTSD is so you might have to explain. That is if you don't mind. well you said that you wanted to know about me. to start things off, i have been depressed for years but tried to block it out. i was a loner and completelie anti-social. i have a mind that races to things that scare me at times and comfuse me at others. some days i just cant stop thinking and i end up thinking about "bad" stuff that makes me even more upset. on other days, i cant think at all. my mind just shuts down and i cant think or consentrate, i just zone out. i started to see a counselor at school without telling anieone else. eventuallie, my girlfriends mom realized that i was "very" depressed and should see a counselor. i now see 2 counselors, 1 in school and 1 out-of school, and a psychiatrist whom i dont like so i'm switching some time soon. i have been on paxil for 3 months and hated it so my mom and i agreed to get off of it. (i dont think it was helping anieway) i have been labelled potentiallie suicidal. my friends dont consider me a cutter because i'v onlie done it twice and they were just "little" cuts. I have a girlfriend who i love so much. I have some friends at school who i can talk to, but i don't trust people easillie. to tell you the truth i hate people and think that life and the human race is a waste of time and a good planet. (but what can i do. it'll all blow up some day anieway) and finallie, if you haven't noticed, i am extremelie pessemistic(negaive).
If i spelled some words wrong it's cause i'm on a bad,slow day. If you want to know more about me, you can ask or read the poetrie/writing that i put on the writing page. thats all for now. later.
Posted by Fallen4MyT on April 29, 2004, at 18:01:22
In reply to Re: HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 29, 2004, at 10:17:55
Yo Ivan :) PTSD is Post Traumaic Stress Disorder...I have a complex kind from many kinds of abuse and such as a child as well as an adult..I have been in VERT traumatic situations that could have and some did result in death..mine also...close cause obviously I am typing this so lol I am alive...I think you may have heard of this mostly on soldiers...combat ...they have flashbacks and stuff me too...sleep is flashbacks are few cause I do not recall things....or....find them funny which is..not "normal" thus I see a psychologist..or my T <g>....I am kind of opposite of you in a few ways..I am very social. And see the good in the world...but yes it can be crap and a lotta people can be too..I take valium for anxiety now and them and sleeping pills..I am married but not happy with him...Sounds like your girlfriend and her mom rock. What is your dianosis? major depression? You dont have to say..I have a lot of in the country and hate I am isolated a lot. What do you go to school for?? I may go to Grad school. Anxiety drives me crazier..I get depressed too but not like many on the boards as mine is reactive depression and comes and goes with what happens in my life. HUGS AND SOOO GLAD YOU JOINED US :)
Posted by Ivan Michael on April 30, 2004, at 11:04:32
In reply to Re: HELLO!!! » Ivan Michael, posted by Fallen4MyT on April 29, 2004, at 18:01:22
hey there. thanks for explaining that. i knew what it was at one time but i was having a verie slow day and i forget a lot on days like that. i personallie don't know whats wrong with me. i, in a way, blame myself because my whole life i pushed away from people. i take things reallie hard and forgive but never forget. i was on paxil but hated it and just got off. just letting you know, i'm not going to school for anie sort of degree. i'm onlie 16 and a sophmore in highschool. i have two dogs and some fish. my girlfriend and her mom ARE great. saddlie, they are both depressed too. the mom had a not verie nice step mom and has been through drinking and divorce. my girlfriend had to deal with divorce (her parents'), friends who are also depressed and cutters and so on, and she was repeatedlie raped at the age of 4 by her brother. I don't realie like to talk about that much. i don't know why or how but when i hear or talk about things, it's like i'm there and i can see hear and feel all of it. i hate the feeling and can't stand going over that. well i gotta go but will post later. bye.
Posted by Fallen4MyT on April 30, 2004, at 23:03:06
In reply to Re: HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on April 30, 2004, at 11:04:32
Yo Ivan,,,,well I KNOW or THINK I know what you mean on feeling what went on and all....I thik that is empathy and its a good quality to have but needs to be channeled some and will be in time as not to hurt you so. I too do it...when someone tells me something really sad or say they are a victims..sometimes it bugs me so much I cannot sleep at night..its like its me but its not...I am better at not letting it affect me so but not perfect. In highschool its hard I do remember wayyy back :) cause so many demands on you and the peer issues..ughh....Nowdays I bet its harder too...I am wondering if you see a may have said but I read a lot tonight and my mind is mushier than normal..if you have a T you could ask what your diagnosis is...if you want to know. The right med or a good therapist could help for good .. I am a animal nut..I think pets are less judgemental than people and never...hurt on purpose..but people the RIGHT ones can be GREAT like your girl and her mom . What do you do for fun?
> hey there. thanks for explaining that. i knew what it was at one time but i was having a verie slow day and i forget a lot on days like that. i personallie don't know whats wrong with me. i, in a way, blame myself because my whole life i pushed away from people. i take things reallie hard and forgive but never forget. i was on paxil but hated it and just got off. just letting you know, i'm not going to school for anie sort of degree. i'm onlie 16 and a sophmore in highschool. i have two dogs and some fish. my girlfriend and her mom ARE great. saddlie, they are both depressed too. the mom had a not verie nice step mom and has been through drinking and divorce. my girlfriend had to deal with divorce (her parents'), friends who are also depressed and cutters and so on, and she was repeatedlie raped at the age of 4 by her brother. I don't realie like to talk about that much. i don't know why or how but when i hear or talk about things, it's like i'm there and i can see hear and feel all of it. i hate the feeling and can't stand going over that. well i gotta go but will post later. bye.
Posted by Ivan Michael on May 5, 2004, at 16:21:42
In reply to Re: HELLO!!! » Ivan Michael, posted by Fallen4MyT on April 30, 2004, at 23:03:06
hey there. sorrie it took me so long to write back. i thought i alreadie read this one.
well you kinda got it but it's not like the problems of the other person have happened to me. they are like they are happening at that verie second. i don't know what it is. in my mind, it seems realler though, i have seen my girlfriend, as a child of 4, being raped in her brothers room atleast 12 times. it's like it's happening before me. i can see everie detail. i call hear and see and smell and sometimes even feel all of it. i can especiallie feel things when someone's talkin' about cutting or suicide. i hate the feelings i get. i've actuallie written a poem about it but i gotta find it. and yes i do have a therapist and hate medicine. i think that our nation is over medicated but most of us need it. unless i truelie need it, i will refuse anie meds.
for fun i got a pool, trampoline, play video games, listen to music(System of the Down or ANIETHING else), or go to my girlfriends house. i don't watch TV. i am in a church group called HSTG. maybe you've heard of it. i don't reallie go out much. i've been grounded so i can onlie go out for school sports and like one other thing a week. i pole-vault and play football. and i totallie agree on your animal statement. animals are the best thing on earth. in my opinion, they are better than us. if they can't make choices like other people say, then they are faultless. if they can, then they are the most friendlie and loving things on earth. i especiallie like dogs. how bout you?
Posted by Ivan Michael on May 6, 2004, at 16:50:48
In reply to Re: HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on May 5, 2004, at 16:21:42
hey there. just makin my last post easier to find. and i have another question. i was wonderin' about the storie behind that name of yours. ;) that is if you mind sharing.
Posted by Fallen4MyT on May 6, 2004, at 18:43:49
In reply to Re: HELLO!!!, posted by Ivan Michael on May 5, 2004, at 16:21:42
What Up Ivan? So yes I did miss this post and am not on every day cause its almost summer here and very nice and warm so I am not online as I whip through the boards looking for my name or an urgent looking post or something funny..
I dont think I would like what you feel when others say what their issues are must be very very stressful..I mean you already have your own issues then to feel the others stuff has to be beyond hard...I am a christian too but never heard of that group...good that you are in it cause so much today is bad...something like that is good in many ways keeps you in healthier company in some cases...
I LOVE to swim and play some video games too and puter games but time is limted on them..I even have lol a colorgame boy hahahaha and I am old :P...I love to flower garden and mostly read, swim and hang with my pets and friends...and YES animals do not mess people over
We totally agree on the med issues
HUGS> hey there. sorrie it took me so long to write back. i thought i alreadie read this one.
> well you kinda got it but it's not like the problems of the other person have happened to me. they are like they are happening at that verie second. i don't know what it is. in my mind, it seems realler though, i have seen my girlfriend, as a child of 4, being raped in her brothers room atleast 12 times. it's like it's happening before me. i can see everie detail. i call hear and see and smell and sometimes even feel all of it. i can especiallie feel things when someone's talkin' about cutting or suicide. i hate the feelings i get. i've actuallie written a poem about it but i gotta find it. and yes i do have a therapist and hate medicine. i think that our nation is over medicated but most of us need it. unless i truelie need it, i will refuse anie meds.
> for fun i got a pool, trampoline, play video games, listen to music(System of the Down or ANIETHING else), or go to my girlfriends house. i don't watch TV. i am in a church group called HSTG. maybe you've heard of it. i don't reallie go out much. i've been grounded so i can onlie go out for school sports and like one other thing a week. i pole-vault and play football. and i totallie agree on your animal statement. animals are the best thing on earth. in my opinion, they are better than us. if they can't make choices like other people say, then they are faultless. if they can, then they are the most friendlie and loving things on earth. i especiallie like dogs. how bout you?
Posted by Fallen4MyT on May 6, 2004, at 18:59:11
In reply to Fallen4MyT, posted by Ivan Michael on May 6, 2004, at 16:50:48
Thanks for the marker Ivan it helps me a lot..see another post to you...hahahah on my name.,,,I am rather taken with my T he is so kinda and sweet and well...everything I have wanted in a man ALL my life..well not looks he is no fox but cute to me :)
> hey there. just makin my last post easier to find. and i have another question. i was wonderin' about the storie behind that name of yours. ;) that is if you mind sharing.
Posted by Ivan Michael on May 7, 2004, at 10:31:03
In reply to Re: Fallen4MyT » Ivan Michael, posted by Fallen4MyT on May 6, 2004, at 18:59:11
lol thats cool. i'm glad that you found a "nice" T. he sounds like a good guy. it's hard to find a good guy in this world. i have one of the best girls in the world. she isn't perfect because nobodie is, but she is for me. but i personallie think that guys are harder to find than girls. (by the way, i just realized like two months ago that i was bi. lol)
This is the end of the thread.
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