Posted by alexandra_k on August 31, 2013, at 20:40:27
In reply to Re: anxiety about babble, posted by Dr. Bob on August 31, 2013, at 15:00:14
> I'm OK with a smaller and more dedicated group. Anybody else?
It is changing the niche, somewhat. Which would have appeal to a perhaps different kind of poster. E.g., people who feel most comfortable welcoming newbies probably wouldn't feel most at home on a site with relatively few newbies.
Smaller groups can potentially be more intimate. That was something that came up when things were larger. Larger groups encourage more superficial interaction. Some people are more comfortable with more superficial interaction, though.
I always liked the process aspect of Babble. I do get the point that not much changed... But I also thought that for quite a lot (though not all, of course) part of what made things hard was relative lack of constancy or consistency. I'm fairly sure I needed to butt heads on more than a few occasions... Just to check that there was something there... If that makes sense. I think sometimes posters do that. I'm not entirely sure what I'm saying... But I spent times on other sites where the moderators intentionally tried to be more flexible and I found them to be... Unreliable. I don't suspect anyone can ever genuinely accuse Bob of unreliability. Hmm.
I always did like the idea of a small group - though I remember other posters being vehemently against the idea. In some manifestations, anyway, because being part of a small group of moderators (for example) was thought to be different, or being able to post to an exclusive entry chat room (for example) was thought to be different.
I have come to feel even more strongly in favor of small groups. NZ is the anti gated community country if any country is... And I think this is a very mixed thing that deserves serious consideration because it does indeed have the potential to hold us back indefinitely. I understand the 'tall poppy syndrome' allegation, now, and see how that plays out... I see why the white people came building fences... I see Maaori saying they want soverignty which means a dual realm with their own parliment... Which is basically voluntary segregation... I see Maaori saying they want control over health and education (for example) of their own people - then a problem being that not enough are able to gain entry to programs to train people to provide these services so entry and passing requirements are lowered or abolished until you have... Talking and laughing and smiling and... Well... Lets hope they still get PKU tests done and the like or perhaps the idea really is to ignore western medicine and really just shun benefits of modern society like internet and power and heating and sewerage systems...
but i digress.
i don't think the masses are good people. hitler was democratically elected. the masses would electocute an innocent under the instruction of someone wearing a white coat. do we really want the masses?