Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2006, at 20:07:38
In reply to Re: Lou's response to discriminative membership, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2006, at 19:03:49
The cental foundation of antisemitism is the doctrine that the Jews killed christ. For 2000 years, antisemites have justifed their murder of Jewish children by claiming that the Jews killed Chirst and that they accept the corporate responsibility for that and that their children also accept it.
No other statements in the Christiandom bible have cause das much murder to Jews as this one. Hitler used it and went to the plays at Easter time. It was his favorite,according to historians.
That doctrine has been posted here without sanction. It appears now as civil, for I have asked for it to be addressed and Dr. Hsiung is unwilling.
The poster offers a link and Dr,. Hsiung and Dinah have posted that you can not post a link that leads to what is uncivil, so this post is civil by it being left to stand. So I am showing you what is considered civil here.
The poster writes an offered link that leads to a christiandom bible chapter. When you start at the first verse, it reads;
1.When THE morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death.
2.And when they had bound him, they led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor.
15. Now at that feast the goovernor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would.
16. And they had a notable prisoner called Barsbbas
17. Thearfore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them. Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas or Jesus which is called the christ?
18. For he knew that for envy they had delivered him
19. When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent into him saying. Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because if him.
20. But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus
21. The governor answered and said unto them,Whether of the twian will ye that I release unto you? They said,Barabbas.
22. Oilate said unto them,What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto himm. Let him be crucified.
23. And the governor said,Why, what evil has he done? But they cried out more, Let him be crucified.
24. When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washing his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blod of thi just person: see ye to it.
25. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
26. Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
This is on the board now and I have asked evryone that could, to sanction the post and they are all unwilling.
poster:Lou Pilder