Posted by zenhussy on August 6, 2003, at 13:30:59
In reply to Re: Yo Saint--wanna try some I statements?, posted by stjames on August 6, 2003, at 11:49:48
> > > Yes, he was attacking my EGO, an insult to me, a put down TO ME! Helpful suggestion? PLEASE!
> > >
> > > He asked to to simply consider your ego envolvement in this. Hmmmmm, you OTOH, reacted in anger. Hmmmm.
> >
> > stjames,
> >
> > Why not try the above post again using some "I" statements? Might have more impact then.
> >
> > constructively,
> > zenhussy
> Whatever. Does not apply here. I was describing what another poster said, so I do not see how I can do I statements here.
Main Entry: de·scribe
Pronunciation: di-'skrIb
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): de·scribed; de·scrib·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin describere, from de- + scribere to write -- more at SCRIBE
Date: 15th century
1 : to represent or give an account of in words <describe a picture>
2 : to represent by a figure, model, or picture : DELINEATE
3 obsolete : DISTRIBUTE
4 : to trace or traverse the outline of <describe a circle>
5 archaic : OBSERVE, PERCEIVEYou were giving your perceptions of another person's post? Hmmm. In the almighty FAQ it is written:
Please respect the views of others even if you think they're wrong. Please be sensitive to their feelings even if yours are hurt. Different points of view are fine, and in fact encouraged, but your freedom of speech is limited here. It can be therapeutic to express yourself, but this isn't necessarily the place.Please don't be sarcastic, joke about death or suicide, suggest that others harm, or discuss specific ways of harming, themselves or others, jump to conclusions about others, post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down, harass or pressure others, use language that could offend others, exaggerate or overgeneralize -- et cetera. Even if you're quoting someone else. Also, please don't post under more than one name at a time.
Could your interpretation not be perceived as accusatory or offensive or even as an exaggeration?Just asking.