Posted by Cam W. on August 31, 2001, at 2:46:37
In reply to It's Not About Religion, posted by Zo on August 31, 2001, at 1:28:50
Zo - No it's not about religion, it's about Sal's attitude toward treatment.
Yes, he should be seeing a doctor.
Things like "Links of the Century" and "Look at my Thank Yous" just reinforce this fact. This sort of grandiosity tells me that Sal is looking for attention; but he is doing it in a way that could be dangerous to others.
I'm sorry, but I cannot stand by and let erroneous information be meted out by someone pretending to be a professional. Have you noticed, that whenever asked for credentials, he never replies? And thus let people assume that he has a deeper understanding of what he is posting, than he really does.
Also, I think we see a clear example of the dangers of self-prescribing, and from overseas purchasing of medications without a prescription.
Sal hears what he wants to hear, and no one was going to cause him to deviate from his course. This called for the drastic measures that were taken. He pushed and pushed, in a number of different directions, until all those directions pushed back.
Someone who does not have an educated understanding of the material should only be offering personal experience, or the experiences that they heard from others. The information source should be labelled accordingly. His lack of expertise is glaringly obvious, even in his postings today. For example, replacing moclobemide with bromocriptine (or even recommending bromocriptine, period) would cause most pharmacists to do a double take. It is too dirty a drug.
I picked on Sal, after my first tirade against his methods, because Dr.Bob had emailed me and said that I should mentor him. Most of the advice I did give fell on deaf ears.
You do realize that I seldom offer advice, but I may offer alternatives and hopefully give the asker, the tools to make an informed choice. I try to stick to what the drugs do, because that is what I am trained to do. I am not trained in diagnosis, nor am I trained in prescribing, therefore I consciously try not to do it. Sal thinks he is qualified to do both.
The backlash against Sal was bound to occur the way it did, and Sal is mainly responsible for the way it came out. Hopefully this will be a good learning experience for him (but I sincerely doubt it).
My 2¢ - Cam
poster:Cam W.