Posted by SilentScream on January 19, 2016, at 19:29:28
hello, all.
Sorry for not replying as fast as I can to my already existent threads, I'm finding it hard to concentrate and recollect my thoughts, lately.
this thread is about how cloudy and rainy days make my depression symptoms much worse. Even when I had no exposure to sunlight, yet (closed curtains while sleeping), i already wake up feeling gloomy, unmotivated and anxious.
these days have a way of making my wood absolutely terrible, and triggering way worse physical symptoms than the ones I have on a more regular basis. I usually feel weak, woozy. Anxiety and anger, instead of making me more alert and full of energy, make me feel tired, weak, sore and with the overall feeling my body is poorly rested.
My breathing, which is usually shallow or labored (due to anxiety, tension and now hypothyroidism) becomes much more bothersome.
My head feels pressured, so does my neck. i guess this worsens the dizzy and weak feeling, as neck tension is horrible to allow proper blood flow to the brain.
I also suffer behavioral changes. Memory gets better to remmeber old stuff - mostly negative stuff. I feel like my life is about to end and that past experiences will never be forgotten. Feels like time stopped and there's just doom and gloom awaiting. At the same time, I feel this nervous, angry, painful energy trying to lift itself up through all the depressive weight.
It just seems cloudy and rainy days trigger the worst depressive symptoms in me, but coupled with the inner agitation of mania and with way more creepling anxiety.Does anyone relate?
now, to medications:
I hear magnesium and vitamin D (and possibly E) are great to avoid SAD/cloudy days depression/low mood.
What do you think?