Posted by Ronnjee on March 14, 2014, at 12:29:26
In reply to Re: Doctor: 'ADHD Doesn't Exist, Drugs Do More Harm... » johnLA, posted by phidippus on March 14, 2014, at 11:08:44
When my son was in high school, upon a recommendation from some school person, he went to a psych practitioner, who diagnosed him as ADHD (BF surprise!). He was always restless in school, which I understood from my own less-than-fun experiences. I wasn't real keen on giving him medication, even though at the time, I was still taking psych meds. His mother, however wanted to go along with it. He took Adderal for a few weeks, reported it made him feel like crap, and discontinued it. Here we have a very bright (130 IQ) kid, who simply finds his classes boring. Restlessness would be a pretty logical result. He finished high school just fine, went through some typical "finding himself" years. He is now 32, very well-adjusted and happy, married, has a job he actually likes. So, in this particular case the ADHD diagnosis was of absolutely no use to anybody, and meds only made matters worse.
An aside: When my son was in early puberty, his pediatrician wanted us to put him on some sort of hormones. The reason - because he was short! She said that the hormones would slow down his maturation, allowing him to grow more. His mother was actually going to allow this! There was NFW I going to let doctors mess around with his system, especially for such an idiotic reason, especially on a perfectly healthy kid. Did they really think they knew better than Mother Nature???!!! Yep, he's short, like his dad, who also entered puberty early. He's also just fine, as I described above, better than me, for sure. There are reasons why I am very cautious about medical interference. This is just the tip of the iceberg.