Posted by Phillipa on December 31, 2013, at 20:56:14
In reply to Re: thanks JohnLA for helping Philippa, posted by SLS on December 31, 2013, at 17:48:10
Thanks John. I have also researched the cranial nerves that deal with both issues. Dentist said try l0mg of zinc twice a day. I may try this too. Also the is is orolaryngial docs are supposed to deal with this. Yes did the prednisone prescribed at first taste & smell center at Wake Forrest. He first though could have sjounes autoimmune but test was negative. Studies show that depression is very common as well as marital discord. So all I ask for in the New year Is my taste & smell back even half would do. Oh to smell a rose again. Also the dangers of not smelling & tasting are gas leaks, fire, infections can't smell exudate. Taste can eat spoiled foods. It's amazing how these senses impact ones life. Phillipa