Posted by Fader on April 27, 2013, at 13:24:56
In reply to Lou's response-nhoehoe, posted by Lou Pilder on April 26, 2013, at 17:12:25
You know, Lou, I don't know WHAT your problem is but -quite frankly- I don't give a phuck.
I very politely DECLINED your "response" from the get go, yet you continued to HOUND me with your messages, despite my repeatedly asking you to stop.
You are SELFISH beyond belief. Has it occurred to you that a suicidal person who is in desperate need for help might turn to this board, knowing that it's frequented by very knowledgeable and supportive people?? And said person is no longer willing to put up with your constant interruptions, garbage and nonsense, and thus leaves. Well, that's me! If you're against medication, LEAVE!
Despite what you might believe, you are NOT helping, in fact you are driving people over the edge.
If that's your plan, MISSION FREAKING ACCOMPLISHED, Mr Pilder!
I hope that you're happy now.
ps. You REALLY need to get a life. Turning other people's into multiple choice quizzes? Ridiculous.
PPS. I HOPE that my post is reported to Mr Hsiung, I'm willing to be banned if only to stop the decline of once highly respected board which is now two posts away from being a complete disgrace. Phillipa Jeroen Scott Jono, I do appreciate your help.> > > Fader I do hope you haven't left the board. I do know several who had been on lyrica and also had a very hard time discontinuing the medication. May I suggest you google the archieves on lyrica? Lots of information there. Phillipa
> >
> > Thanks, Phillipa, I haven't left yet. I've learned to ignore bothersome posts.
> >
> > I've searched the babble archive but haven't found lyrica withdrawal reactions as extreme as mine. Still, you've all given me some good suggestions.
> >
> >
> > I'm seeing my doctor today, hopefully he'll have some suggestions too.
> >
> > Regards.
> Friends,
> It is written above,[ seeing my doctor...hopef
> ully he'll have some suggestions...]. Let us reason together. Which of the following is the best answer?
> A. The doctor can not do anything to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms, so there is no hope
> B. The doctor created he addiction by prescribing the drug so he knew that the taker of the drug could get to this juncture and has no hope of helping the taker of the drug to be healed.
> C. The doctor knows that addiction can lead to suicide and murder so there is no hope of the doctor to be not responsible for the pain and suffering that the taker could have for a long time.
> D. The doctor could prescribe another drug so that the taker of the drug could now get multiple addictions and there could be no hope of the taker of the drug to be freed from the addiction and withdrawal horror.
> E. The doctor could admit that psychiatry caused the taker of the drug to have the condition and has no hope to reverse it to go back to where he once belonged.
> F. The doctor could tell him that he/she has concluded that taking all the drugs together could cause death and a loss of ability to think rationally and that there is no hope for a cure by continuing the drugging.
> G. The doctor could say that he/she only treats symptoms and that the long-term consequences of taking the drugs, including death, are not taken into consideration because if they were, then the drugs would not be prescribed at all, because there could be no hope of the taker of the drugs to escape addiction and withdrawal and possibly death.
> F. The doctor could say that he/she has read what this Lou guy has written about and that he/she knows of cases where people have been healed by what he is trying to post but there is no hope that he will be allowed to post what the conditions are for people to be healed from a Jewish perspective as revealed to him.
> G. He/she could say something else to give hope and the placebo effect could kick in, but if another drug is given, the adverse consequences of that drug could take over when the placebo effect stops.
> H.The doctor could say something else