Posted by roscopeeco on January 9, 2011, at 8:58:51
In reply to Re: The Nardil appreciation thread, mantus, posted by mantus on January 8, 2011, at 18:40:23
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I have been on Nardil since 12/4, first at 45mgs until 12/28 and then 60mgs since. When I here the benefits many people receive from Nardil, I keep thinking that it is exactly the right med for me, that is if it works. I have tried just about every ssri with know definitive, long term benefit. My problem is right now is that I'm really struggling with life. Alot of very traditional symptoms people go through with more severe levels of depression/anxiety (everything seems overwhelming, do not want to be around anyone or do anything, frequent crying, completely stuck in my head with negative thinking, etc.) It is interesting though, I lived a very fulfilling life until around the age of 21 when I swear out of nowhere I started having unexplained anxiety/depression issues at varying levels since. I feel like i am back in the common place i've been of saying, "I haven't given it enough time or enough of a dose," and I know that could be true, but it doesn't help in the mean time as i am struggling just to get through day to day. Can you describe your nardil experience in as much detail as possible? What dose was right for you? How long did it take to notice a change? When you noticed a change was it definitive and far from placebo effect? What side effects did you have? How long did you have to be on Nardil before everything seemed to come together in positive benefits being left, with a great reduction in side effects? I would really appreciate your response, as I am just struggling right now and don't feel like I am having the traditional response to Nardil that I often read about.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mantus
> >
> > Hello Mantus,
> >
> > I feel your pain. I know how it is to absolutely struggle with everyday. I have been on parnate right at one month. If I look back a month ago, then I can see my progress, but I still feel the depression. I don't have the sense of well-being that some describe. I am going to give this medication a chance at the right dosage and see where that takes me. The dosage is so important with any medication. It is ok to get frustrated. We all do. Please keep posting your frustrations. It helps. If you want to babblemail me you are more than welcome.
> >
> > JF
> >
> Hello roscopeeco,
> You seem to going through a similar situation to me and I appreciate your input. The more I hear from people, the more they tend to say that it takes awhile and at dosages of Nardil of at least 60 and possibly higher. Although these statements do give me some hope, the depression/anxiety still seems to overwhelm any logical ideas I might have that things will get better and the day to day world is still very difficult. I have a question for you if you don't mind? Are you currently working? I often wonder that as people describe their hardships, especially while waiting/hoping for a med to work. I am work at a psychiatric hospital (haha) which can be quite stressful in itself, but I never tended to have any real problems before. Everyday is a battle just making it there and simple tasks I never had trouble with in the past just seem to be too much at times. I am right there with you in not feeling any sort of lift in mood or feeling of well-being. Although I will say I haven't been crying lately? That is one thing I have noticed over the past week or so. But the symptoms that are really hurting me such as, not wanting to me around anyone, not wanting to do anything, feeling like everything is daunting (even the smallest tasks), loss of apetite, consumed by negative thinking and general discontent with life really hasn't changed at all. I really want to stick with Nardil as long as possible because of the frequent positive results I read from people. And with my symptoms I've always just felt like I need an anti-deppressent to work, and not really anything else except maybe a benzo as needed. I have tried basically every ssri known to man with little significant results. Can you describe your symptoms and what kind of difficulties you are having right now? Have you ever tried Nardil, and why did u decide on Parnate? Do you have difficulty keeping hope that the medicine will really offer you an significant help like I do? I"m sorry my message is so long, I am just going through a difficult time and would like to know someone is going through a similar experience to me? Thanks for any input.
> MantusI will give you a brief history of my most current major depression. It started about 3 months ago. I initially started taking celexa which sent my anxiety through the roof. After two weeks of celexa I felt like I needed to go to psych hospital. I could barely move out of bed. First night in hospital was terrible. I wanted to die. I was pacing the floors at 3am. They gave me some ativan and it was like peace all over my mind and body. That lasted for about two days and I could feel the depression and anxiety creep back up. The second day in the hospital I was put on zoloft, lamictal, and seroquel for sleep. I declined the zoloft because at this point I was scared of the initial anxiety SSRIs brought on me. I was discharged after four days in the hospital. Came back home with a RX for all the meds I was taking in the hospital plus trazadone. Things began to go bad again. This time was worse than the first and after about two weeks out of the hospital I woke up and felt like I had enough of the intense pain. I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't eat. I had no thought about driving my car. Everything was so much work. I woke up one morning and decided to walk 4 miles and purchase a gun. I sat with the gun to my head for three hours. Decided that I would sleep on the decision. A family member found the gun in my closet which prompted the second hospital visit. This time I was gone for two weeks. While there they put me on cymbalta, zyprexa (so I would eat), ativan, and trazadone. That hospital stay was much better, but I still was very depressed. I got out of the hospital and felt a little better then my first admission to previous hospital. It had no desire to be around anyone or answer my phone. I decided that I would do my own research on drugs and figure things out. I wasn't sure I was on the right medication. I experimented with an adderall after I was out of the second hospital and noticed that all of the sudden I was talkative and had some hope. As with any amphetamine, it is short lived. I began to research the actions of amphetamines and decided I needed something to address dopamine as well. That is what got me looking into parnate. I started taking Parnate a month ago at 30mg. It wasn't till the third week until I noticed a slight improvement. The improvement was extremely slight. I noticed that I had more energy and a little more motivation, but the depression still remained. I am now a little over a month on Parnate and it is my second or third day on 50mg. I notice myself improving little by little. I usually evaluate after a weeks time. I started a one year intensive BSN degree a week ago. I thought I would never be able to do that a month ago. This doesn't mean the depression is gone. It is still there. I still don't seek to go out and do things with friends. I do however hang out with family more and enjoy that time a little bit. Before, I wouldn't have enjoyed one second. In fact, I would have preferred to stay at home. I notice myself making more plans for the future, but I still have that depression lingering. Sometimes it is worse than others. I used to look at everybody and ask myself why are they so happy. I find myself doing that less and less. Trust me when I tell you this. I used to wake up thinking today was going to be the last time I saw my family. This was a daily thing. It has gotten better. I am not back to 100%, but there have been changes. Again, the only slight change I noticed was at three weeks. It has been an extremely slow build up from there. I am hoping that once I get to 60mg or so that it will have that undeniable "kick in" effect people talk about. Who knows if the drug is even supposed to work like that. Maybe it is a slow build up over weeks. I would try to see only small increases at this time in your case. You are on a pretty low dose. I wouldn't be scared to increase your dosage if you are handling side effects well. It doesn't take a Dr. visit to increase dosages. The only thing they are going to say is....are you handling it ok at the current dose and have you noticed significant improvements. if your answers are you are handling the current dose with no real significant improvement they will raise your dose. No need to sweat. I am to the point now where I am going to bed early around nine and getting up around seven am. I think allowing yourself a normal sleep routine is really good. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to do things. That will come with time. It is baby steps. For instance, if you were never able to get out of the house before and feel like you can in a week. Go get some food from the store. Things will begin to get easier if you take it one step out of the time instead of trying to "snap out of it".