Posted by bk2va23 on September 29, 2010, at 6:02:59
Hey people,just to let u know thank god im still in remission.
I have my cocktail and a few other meds,to me im at war and im always looking for my aresnal.
GHB is one,i see it hated and i just wanna state some facts since i actualy use it.
First it is natural,its undetecked cause it metablizes to h20,thats right water.It is also nueroprotective,this means it has procting properties on nerve cells.Now the other side,it is EXTREMLY dose dependent.No one should use it before they read up on it.Dose curve meaning u can feel ok,say eh one more drop and that drop can make u sick.You have to be precise with your therputic dose.
What it does,well it does this,for me anti social,makes me wanna call everyone and talk,im a social butterfly,
Rlexas you,removes fear comtply.
It is powerful and fast,i only use it when im having a bad night and my meds dont work.It can instantly change a horrid mood to a good one.
Yess it can be a date rape drug cause of the dose thing,but really i am a example of how silly that is.I dont take it out to partys,hell i dont take it out ever,if you take it to a party and use it in rape,then its you,not ghb that is the rapeist.
When ghb jumps off a shelf and rapes someone the comment of it being a date rap drug is silly.Liqour alone is a major date rape drug duh.
Anyway it doesent matter,itll never be legal,well never have a valuable tool to use.
After my ten years of suffering,me and my girl took it into our own hands,and after hard research this is my current cocktail that has me in remission.
100 mg parnate.
Mebicar a non script benzo
ghb prn
I also like to have a lil vyanese a stimulant when a friend spares but this is not often.I tell u 10 min with a doc is not enough,get involed,visit pub med,gooogle scholar seearch terms like off label anti depressants etc,unlike a doc you willing to put in 24 time in search hes not.
Anyway wish i could cure all of us.I just roll with it i know im stircken for life and best i treat it,im conent with that,but its a ugly disease and needs to be treated hard.
Fyi i hear effexor,remeron,and stimulant is also a great combo.
Not too many meds i can recomend to you guys sorry.Wish u all luck and god bless.