Posted by willey on December 19, 2009, at 19:15:58
In reply to I Remember when we always said ask your doc, posted by Phillipa on December 19, 2009, at 12:52:50
I am so glad you asked that question....ok when that saying really took presidence was when the most in depth technical info lay in the hands of docs via the PDR.
Whether some docs like it or not its a different age,we are now via computers accessed to
A published info,including pharmcology,studies,and all kind of info highly validated as it comes from nbi.
b.We now have access to baords where instead of just taking the med,we now can hear how severe the side effects really are,how many people find it useful,etc
C.Sites that recomend actual data sheet wise prescbription policy,i.e start doasage .This is usualy the same protocol docs would use.
The final ending to this is one i believe is a good one,we no longer have to wait 2-4 weeks to see someone 10 min and just suffer that whole time,instead now we can put our own blood and guts into learning more about the disease on our own.
I dont see how using tons of data from different angles and getting invovled in our own treatment a negative thing,but rather a plus that comes along with technology.Docs and some do,have to understand this is a new generation,and now that we have resources,us the patients want to no longer feel incomptant but instead want in our treatment.
Some docs invite that,and some dont,and if you dont believe a patient will put more work as in reading and researching then a busy doc then you need to walk out of that docs office,chances our he doesent have a pc in the room,still uses old style pads to refer to his notes,opposed to doc who has excel and keeps extreme detail to all changes made in sessions and accesses them quickly.
If a doc questioned me or got angry that i was reading stuff off as they say with a sarcastic tone"the internet" i would say sorry i turned to a source where i get the same exact info u do,but sense im a moron i see why you dont want me messing with my health.
Sorry but im abdament about this,people who are scared to death to do anything without a docs advice just feed their ego,there is tons of info on the net,not silly info,rather lots of published info valideted by high end docs whos credientials you can look up speaking on stuff that applies to you,if you choose to ignore this abudant resource,and put your suffering in the hands of a single person i believe your doing yourself a misfortune,i know we are not lazy,but rather scared to take it in our hands,but i promise no doc will put the blood and sweat and time into researching for help then your own self,i totaly recomend taking part in your treatment,a major one,confering your info with docs,and working togther,any doc aganist you taking part i feel should be walked out on