Posted by bleauberry on October 29, 2009, at 19:14:39
In reply to Diagnose me...For fun., posted by Phidippus on October 28, 2009, at 17:03:06
I sometimes share my frown on the terms we use in psychiatry to describe symptoms, for the very reason you demonstrated...they don't help much in fixing the problem or identifying the problem. It is a cozy way to feel some control by saying, "Oh I know what that is, it's such-n-such." But then what? Then you go on a drug to treat that such-n-such and get worse. Go figure. Helpful for some I know, but hell for others. Bottom line, not reliable and not duplicatable.
So what is wrong? Many things in your history description jumped out at me. It would take several pages and probably an hour to explain. Other people here are going to be upset with me for saying this because they think I'm obsessed with it. But I KNOW what neuroborreliosis looks looks like. (that's fancy for neuropsychiatric Lyme disease)
Just my two cents.
Unless someone here has a another disease in mind that demonstrates this patient's pattern equally or better than neuroLyme?
The Great Imitator. It mimics just about any and all psychiatric syndromes. In your descripion of history you demonstrated multiple yellow flags that are distinctly unique from anything else I am aware of, yet almost universally common to what I mentioned above. The telltale patterns and clusters are all there, the patterns and clusters not shared by any other explanation. They will appear random and mysterious to the untrained eye.
I am SO glad you have finally had success in stopping this trainwreck! Very cool. No telling if it is longterm or not, but I am hoping it is.
Anyway, your post is Diagnose me...For fun. Well, it aint fun, but for what it's worth, that is the diagnosis presented. It is actually quite classic actually, shared by thousands with either Syphilis (in the old days) or Lyme (these days).