Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on June 26, 2009, at 18:00:14
Hi folks,
Listen, usally people don't respond to my posts, yet, for some reason. When i look in the mirror, from my head trobbing, from thinking about things in the past, and things i'm going to have to deal with psychiatrist, who is not treating, more malpractice, the amount of depression since the last session, increased to a point of mental death, again. You don't feel, there is anything to life anymore, yet, he just said "bye".
Let reality take care of that circumstance. That, was not, and alot of it was from people, making up stories (someone) I know, who i live with, to start gossip, in the past this (I did, somewhat, yet it was an exageration) Now, it's become, she's not my mother anymore, it's more like I have to pray to the Lord of Hosts to take Vengence, because the abuse that happened, has already happened you have to accept it. If you don't, it shatter's into memories, and can result into personalites, from a time period. Like a piece of wood, it breaks and becomes pieces, each piece is a memory of something in life, and a time period.
The doctor doest care about anything, sessions with him where not....treating, more just "put-down's". Encouraging, yet he would talk trash to my therpist, can you say good moral's? no...
Anyways, help on anything.
Plus, back to what i was saying, the amount of pain infliction caused by (somebody....) caused Psychical changes, not in "violence" from, hit, but more, you forget who are, and the DNA reprograms itself into something more, to carry on with life. At a higher degree. Your ready for more predetor's, and quack's you run into life. They stab you, yet your skin can take it, while all their wonderful gossip is being prevailed, it's not going to affect the inside, because you track ever thing down, and what is propaganda, what is false, what some Joe Blow said in a meeting that was "nothing" just an opinion. I'm fed up going to doctor's with/ the witch manipulating the doctor, and doing as she say's. Lord is slow to anger, yet the amount of distress call's to him, he will take action. Thank God.