Posted by GT50 on June 26, 2009, at 13:18:11
Hi All,
I was first diagnosed with ADD in 2nd Grade. As an adult I have been diagnosed with Dysthimia, ADHD, Purely Obsessional OCD, GAD, and SAD.
I have been back on 30mg of lexapro for the last year. It helps most with my obsessional thoughts and a little with the GAD and depression.
I really need to find a medication to help with my ADD that does not make my other symptoms worse.
I have tried the following meds:
Wellbutrin - Not much help to concentration
Desipramine - No help in concentration, or motivation. I could not get past a low dose do to increases in depression and anxieity
Strattera - No help in concentration, or motivation. Increased irritability, depression and anxiety
Adderall - Major anxiety and depression
Dexedrine - Dysphoria far outweighed benefits.
Ritilan - Dysphoria far outweighed benefits.
Memantine - No noticeable help with ADD symptoms,These are the options that I know of please comment on them or give me other ones:
1. Emsam or selegiline. I worry that this will increase my anxiety.
2. Add Mirapex. Maybe will help with motivation.
3. Add mood stabilizer like lamictal to combat dysphoria when taking Amphetamine
Thanks for any help