Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on June 20, 2009, at 23:21:21
In reply to alright. reconsidering med (help), posted by floatingbridge on June 20, 2009, at 22:55:23
advice: do not take on weekends. 45mg X 2 daily in half? 22.5mg?
The Spansules? or the Tablet?
Spansules for some reason take longer to work yet they release at adequate levels, tablets just "desovle". Spansules release, at slower plasma levels, I took them, they work'd exellent. Yet i have drama, in at home, so "what's gonna hit the fan next?" Be sure you are away from Toxic People...
Vyvanse stay's in your system and builds up and causes side effect beyond reality.have anxiety? issues? It depends really on the person, and how it effect's dopamine, if you have adequate GABA transmission, to keep electricty in it's place. Not going in frount of the mirror and go AHH your hair stands up! static...come in, get an antenna! on the roof!
Provigil is not, really provent effective in ADD, or ADHD cases. Strattera...mmm maybe by it's self at a proper dose. It effects norephenirine, (misspelled) which keep you alert, yet not "intrested, or motivated". Keep's you more active, if you life is worth being active (that applies to my case, no offence, my life can't stand it)
Paxil could be good, yet, it increases serotonin so's too much! you feel dozy.
hang in there...