Posted by shasling on June 8, 2009, at 15:26:45
I was watching some show on the brains inner workings which i love to catch.This one show had a young woman in a almos 24 hr convulsion state.Suffering so bad she was not capable of even pouring a drink.
Near death,the docs choose to go in,and what they found was a part of the brain called GREY MATTER.
It seemed some disease,perhaps a bacteria had eaten or deastroyed almost the entire left side,and with no certaintiy the results,they knew it had to be removed in fear of spreading to the right side.After her mother agreed,it was done,and the girl went into a vegative state for a few days.HOWEVER she slowy emerged out of it,and when they forwarded ahead they show the girl out of her wheel chair,and even particpating in swimming activities,she had not had a single convulsion since,not one.Of course her speech showed she was "different" but she was near death before.
I personaly dident know what grey matter was,and have been looking it up more since.However i once had a article im dying to find to show on a old hard drive,it was about a group of scientists who measured depressed vs non depressed brains and showed their findings,i remeber most of their findings were the same,....
1. Lower activity in mostly all nuero chemicals,dopamine,gaba,etc,
2.Imbalances in nutrients and vitamins.
3.Imbalances in inhibtatory to non-inhitory amino acids.
4. Loss of grey brain matter
So i did a quick look up of depression low grey matter and its too many hits to read,however i do plan on reading.But just sharing some info,appearently the grey matter issue seems to have a link with depression.