Posted by Jedi on April 27, 2009, at 3:05:03
Hi Guys,
Well I'm now off all psychotrophic medications again. I tapered the clonazepam first, from 2mg to zero over about three months. Then I took a month to taper off of 90mg of Nardil. Now, without the Nardil, I don't need my 25mg Seroquel to sleep; so I dropped that too.I have been off of Nardil about five times over the past 12 years. Every time, I have ended up starting the medication again when my major depression returned. I'm hoping for better results this time.
Albert Einstein said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well, if the shoe fits...
Anyway, I will probably always keep trying. I'm lucky in that every time I have restarted Nardil, my major depression has gone away. A couple of times, I have had a hard time getting someone to prescribe the medication again. But I do have a couple of months stash, just in case.
I've been fighting this illness for so long and with so many different meds, I just feel I need a wash out. I'm hiking outdoors daily, eating right, and taking high dose omega-3s(EPA-1800mg, DHA-1200mg). Who knows, maybe Einstein was wrong about insanity.