Posted by FluxusPlus on January 29, 2009, at 8:11:10
Felt better today . Third day of the new medicine whose name i still do not remember Millboon or something. Well it is Milnacipram 25 mg. Last night i had taken extra - full tablet of luvox (50mg)(Fluvoxamine), could that have been the reason for not high BP etc or lower pulse rate- wasn't so low actually remained above 90. I took that AIMIL syrup as well . It has AG (Ashwagandha) in it. For sure Modafinil doesn't kick in so well after AG . Previous experience was the same too. I took Modafinil(Modalert) - broke into half - so thats 50 mg.
Was I more focussed today ? I watched ULJHAN that french movie, amazing experience. Was it that the drug started working or was it the steppes and the Kazakh landscape and people ... I dont not know for sure. But never had such a rich experience watching a movie as today's.regime was - Luvox 50 at night morning MILNACE , Memtone, and Modalert 100
After the movie was over . I took Amantadine (Amantrel) - drained the capsule - nearly half of the white powder out, so that was 50 mg of Amantadine.
Now I think I should have tried Bromocriptine instead.
There seemed to be greater focus and concentration without Amantrel.And I am not feeling so well also.So tomorrow no Amantrel and if no luvox tonight then its a different regime altogether tomorrow.
I should give the treatment suggested by the doctor some time. 3 days is too early yet for me to be experimenting again . These medications take some time before they show work . In general I think there is some improvement as compared to the situation prior to medication. But wasn't very enthusiastic on phone with any of the guys PK or SC. But generally happy ..internally happy . I could actually dance to a tune Have I started responding to the external stimuli . Have I started relating to the world . OR was it just that reliance on benzoes and there blunt edges have been removed . I do not know.Big question is - should I give bromo a chance tomorow? Or should I revert back to the original scheme without Memtone. But Milnacipram and Modafinil is lot of BP and Heart rate. Also Modafinil doesn't enhance focus or does it? May be I don't notice it because I get carried away by its mood enhancing effect on me and start doing things I had just been postponing for such a while. Sex was little awkward and difficult after Modalert and Memtone?
Will talk to the doc tomorrow
Lets remove modalert or memtone and check it out.Bit of history
I had been taking Anti -Dep for a while now. Took religiously for three years just as the docs said I should that was ten years back ... They tried all .Nothing worked. Finally Alprazolam .25 three or four times a day ..and i carried on just like that.. sometimes substituting one dose of Alzolam with Clonozapam. Finally decided to start treatment once again. Symptoms - lack of energy and lack of focus - inattentive to the extreme and anxiety. Lack of focus is so bad that I have wasted my five years. Some element of depression may be - mood is never melancholic or sad.
PS:Milnacipram gives me that slight ache in my bolls if u get what i mean. I had that similar thing when i was in Doxepine -years ago.