Posted by Vincent_QC on January 11, 2009, at 12:17:47
In reply to Lou's request for clarification/authority-uhnpsub? » sdb, posted by Lou Pilder on January 9, 2009, at 17:37:03
> sdb,
> You wrote,[...they (BZDs) are..less dangerous than other drugs...] and, [...combined with alcohol..some danger..short term..for some people..(a no go)...] and, [...not many fatalities...].
> I am unsure as to many aspects of the grammatical structure of your post and would like to know what authority you used in the following:
>,[...less dangerous than other drugs...] what are the other drugs that you are wanting to use as a comnparison and what authority did you use to make that statement?
> B. in,[...combined with alcohol..some danger,,short term..for some people..(a no go)...]
> 1.Could you differentiate as to if you are wanting to mean that the danger is undertermined or not due to the grammatical structure of the use of the word {some} and any authority for such?
> 2.what are you wanting to mean by {short term} here and any authority for such?
> 3. in {for some people}, what are the criteria, if you know, to determine which people could be in danger? Could you post an authority that states that not all people, but some people, could be in danger if BZDs are combined with alcohol?
> 4. what are you wanting to mean by {a no go}?
> 5. in {not many fatalities}, could you post an authority that states such and what you are wanting to mean by {not many}
> If you could post answers to my concerns, then I could have the opportunity to respond accordingly.
> Lou
>That's seem too much complicated for nothing. I think we can argue on a lot of points about the benzos drugs without having to post studies or web links to proof what we write...We are not students in psychiatrict field...well i'm not...maybe you...
For my own experience, I used a lot my benzo drugs with alcohol...8mg/day of Rivotril with tons of Vodka or beers at night, and more than 4 nights by week for 1 year and more...and I never had any problems, no loss of consciousness, I always remember anything I do on benzos and alcohol...but I can't tell you if it's like this for everyone or not. One thing is sure, for me, I get addicted more fast on the benzo drugs because I had already an alcohol abuse problem before I start them...So the theory about addiction and others comorbidities like alcohol or drug abuse is somewhat possible!!! No study to support my facts...sorry.
For the little I know about the internal functional of the gaba receptors in the brains and how they work, I can also write that it must be possible that gaba receptor are destroy and finding in a fewer number in the brains after the use of benzo drugs for a long-term period of time, especially with high potent benzo drugs. It's also possible that gaba receptor transform themself and try to adapt to the benzo drugs by encountering the effects of the benzo drugs on them, creating a new kind of gaba receptors who will not answer to the benzo drugs...making the benzo drugs less effective with time. Is it related to the alcohol abuse I had at the same time I used benzo drugs? I really don't know...I'm not a doctor or a Pdoc...
One thing is sure, I can write that the most potent the benzo drugs are (Rivotril, Xanax, Lorazepam) and the less time they have an action on the gaga brains (short half-life), and the more they will be addictive...and the more they can cause cognitives and impairements problems that will stay , even after the benzo drug are completly stop and withdrawh...
I only answer with my self knowledge and my own experience...
It's why, when it's time to write or speak about benzodiazepine drugs, I always point the Ashtoon manual... She's the best specialist in that field and she's a reliable and a good source of informations for me. She do a lot of research on the benzo drugs and how they work and with her, I know I not reading b*llsh*t studies or things that are just bla bla bla from the Internet...
Sorry, I just feel I had to add my point of view here...
For the little I know also, Valium seem to be the less addictive benzo drug but is also less potent than the Rivotril or Xanax...and the Valium is less potent for addiction but a way more sedative at the begining than any Xanax, Rivotril or Ativan pills...Valium is also the most easy benzo drug to can minimise withdraw effects by slowly reducing the dosage by 1mg every one or two weeks...keep in minds that 5mg of Valium =0.25mg of Rivotril, 0.25mg of Xanax and 0.5mg of Ativan...Since the Valium come into small pill of 2mg, you can cut it more easy to stop that's another important point when it's time to withdraw and stop a benzo drug...
You can take my informations like just others bla bla bla...I just speaking about my own experience...I know benzo drugs are hard to stop and I know they are addictive...but I don't know why some people don't get addicted to them and can stop them cold turkey without having cognitives impairements at all or permanent dammages...
Have a good day!
Vincent ;-)
PS: Nothing personnal here...I just felt that I had an urge envy to write what I think....