Posted by noidentity on December 16, 2008, at 7:16:34
I take 425 mg Seroquel a day... 3 x 100 and once 125. I can observe an odd pattern of reaction. About 40 minutes after a ingested a dose I begin to feel worse and dysphoric, this lasts for about 45 minutes and then I begin to feel much better, activity is possible, I become more social and do not feel as much of that unbearable tension. I am still far from healthy during this phase, but i would be much better off, if I could feel this way for the whole day. Then 40 minutes after the next dose the same pattern starts all over. Of course I experimented with all possible different forms of intake ,dosages numbers of dosages and total amount ingested, but this way of ingestion proofed to be the best.
There is one last interesting thing that I noticed, if I take a dose later than intended I can feel better for a longer time namely untill 40 minutes after the ingestion of the later taken dosage, but then the dysphoria is even worse.Did somebody experience something similiar or does somebody know something about that?