Posted by LongRoad on May 8, 2008, at 8:52:21
In reply to Re: Emsam - still not sleeping much, posted by BrightEyed+Blueberry on May 7, 2008, at 17:29:42
> This week I've started to take the patch off.
> I've been using Neurontin 300-600mg - I'm at my 6th week with EMSAM 6mg. I have Xanax (1mg) but I don't like to use it--addiction issues too--don't want to use things unless absolutely necessary anymore!
> I don't like to feel drowsy in the morning either. Neurontin is ok if I take it a couple hours before going to bed. Doesn't always work.
> But I stopped the Neurontin method and "resigned" myself lately to taking the patch off--it's so expensive you wish you could reuse it for that 8 hours in the morning, you know? I just paid my $500 deductible (wasn't hard to reach - 1 month's worth reached it!), and I still have to pay $150/mo. per calendar year (and pay health insurance. Funny, the pharmacists were shocked FOR me...guess it's not a commonly used medication :) ...yet?
> Taking the patch off seems to work. I mean to take it off an hour before but so far don't remember to until I'm laying there. Still could be that not getting enough sleep at night is what works for the following night. But for me, 7 hours is barely enough sleep--I need my 8. Sometimes I can keep going THROUGH the tired--in that obsessive, on-the-internet way. So I have to force myself. Maybe read a book - easier to fall asleep reading a book than reading web sites.
> I started power napping 20 minutes-that helps so i don't end up staying up late. Versus taking a 2 hour nap, which seems delicious after time in the pool and the sun (try bathing in chlorine +sunlight for sleep?!)
> Been thinking about exploring those brainwave acoustic CDs out there for sale on Amazon...or some websites like neuroprogrammer2....haven't gone there yet, but I'm close.
> May I ask how long you've been on your current dose, and how long you were on 6mg?Hi. I was on the 6mg for a couple of weeks and then went to 9mg for 3 weeks before going to 12mg. The insomnia started midway through the 9 and I think got worse with 12.
Going back to 9, taking the patch off at 6pm (going to bed around midnight), and taking 200mg Neurontin helped me actually sleep last night. I woke up throughout the night, but was always able to quickly fall back asleep. This is miles ahead of how it's been up until now.
I did not experience insomnia on 6mg, but I wasn't on it for as long as you - it may have eventually crept in. I'm interested in the idea of potassium citrate, b/c it was touted by the poster d0pamine as working so well (he is on 12mg Emsam). He said he took 600mg with a snack at bedtime. I might try it. If you want, let's keep each other informed as to what works and what doesn't. Babble me if you like.