Posted by iforgotmypassword on April 22, 2008, at 21:30:02
as a vegan nardil's soya restrictions may be very difficult. (and nardil is serotonergic (pro-EPS?), anticholinergic, and seems to have a mystery over possible elevated cancer risk, not to scare anyone)
i never tried selegiline + DLPA, that famous combination.
so most importantly, is it associated with poop-out? is the combo associated with risks?
still don't know if MAO-B inhibition interferes with psilocybin and psilocin breakdown or if that is MAO-A, as i have been considering trying to use mushrooms therapeutically soon when i have the executive capacity to quickly and discreetly grow them.
i take 200mg of lamotrigine, may augment with magnesium glycinate for nerves if i can find it. would this be anti poop-out?
cannot theorize reliable way of getting enough vegan EPA to augment anti-poopout effect, if that helps. still may try what swiss company water4 offers. 4 caps a day for approx 118grams EPA + relative flaxseed oil "mega"dosage coinciding with my estrogen doses. bla bla bla
unrelated update, amantadine seems still unhelpful. seemed to augment un-hardening effect lorazepam at one point for short time. definately not now.