Posted by Nardilstarted2007 on January 4, 2008, at 19:52:35
Hi guys, Happy Newyears to all, and I hope the best for all my friends on the form.
I've been trying many of the herbal remedies for anorgasmia but none can even come close to break through the Nardil anorgasmia. My sex drive is great but I cant come close to finishing. I really need something that will work. My Girlfriend has a great time because I can go on for ever but she wants me to be able to finish too, and so do I. I haven't been able to even once in 3 months. its now starting to cause probles in our sexual relationship because she is with a guy who can never finish..
Can I try something like Viagra? or its cousins like Levitra?
I relly need something that works with Nardil even if its just for a couple hours on an as need basis.. My blood pressure is very normal so do you think Viagra might be ok to try?any suggestions would be greattly appreciated