Posted by alexal34 on August 20, 2007, at 19:09:54
to me and I really thought it wouldn't. My dr. said there are so many people online who exaggerate, etc. Well, let me tell you after 7 weeks on 60 mg (dr. had me as high as 90 mg at one point), I am SOOO glad to be off this.
I felt like a zombie for the 7 weeks...Sleeping excessively, emotionally numb and became a total hermit. I didn't want to believe it about the weight gain but it is true. NOTHING fits me and it must be 10 lbs or more all around the mid-section- a place I don't usually gain weight.Now am day 3 off it and constantly dizzy and feel bloated as anything...Had to leave work at noon and lie in bed all day.
When do the withdrawal symptoms start and when does this weight come off? I work out 90 minutes every day and have all summer! Has this rx completely lowered my metabolism?Thanks!