Posted by missjulie on July 10, 2007, at 0:58:13
Sophia, wanted to tell you I am delighted to report that taking 3 pills at 8am each day for the past week has vanquished 90% of the Parnate insomnia. Still hard to get to sleep, and sometimes I wake up very early, but that's NOTHING compared to 3 weeks of barely closing my eyes. incessant urination stopped too; all that's left in way of s/e is dry mouth - I can live with it. It's been just over a month and I'm still very much on the fence about its AD effectiveness on me... nothing noticeable... calmer, but that's it. I don't think it's a good sign to constantly have to question self -- is it working? maybe I feel a little something? do I feel better? all the time... which I do. Seeing doctor this week, may go up on dosage... still hoping for a breakthrough. esp. reluctant to quit now that the worst adjustment seems over. how goes life on 30 for you? was that the right dose after all? best wishes missjulie