Posted by rjlockhart on March 7, 2007, at 21:57:40
Im not going to say why, because i have already said it a million times why.
During the day, i almost have, i am so spacey, i forget, its worse than ADHD, its like a deeper kind of disorder, i dont feel like doing anything that i used to do all the time.
I do have OCD, when i have anxiety attacks is usally when i have a sudden arousal to something like im looking for something that is lost in the PILES of stuff in my room, i get this anxiety, start breathing hard, "lucky lucky lucky" is always what ill say or some tune, but im singing it in a terrified way. I feel like my whole life has been whiped upside down.
I used to have drive nad i just lost it. And i feel i have to get the nervous spark or well it comes automatic, i dont play any kind of games anymore there like, i forgot how to play. What happened! Is it Xanax that is doing this, no i ondt think so, but im sick of Xanax, Maybe i will go like a week with out it.
I guess im going to have to, i feel there is nothing to look to in the day. Prozac somewhat helps but not with depression, it just makes me more awake.