Posted by willyee on March 5, 2007, at 7:49:06
In reply to Re: EVERYTHING POOPS OUT! sls, ace, linkadge, anyone?, posted by FrequentFryer on March 5, 2007, at 6:17:28
> Actually Im probably going to need parnate aswell. even if it dose make me week.
You cant take this as salt since im obvious not a doc,but i thought of the nardil switch,and lol like a clown i kept going back and fourth,...."oh no i cant do this nardil thing,let me just stay on parnate keep working with it,.....then "ill never get anywhere without change,let me go with nardil,so between the back and fourth i definatly was on them at the same time.
The only things i could say as just a user,are~A~ I dont believe much of a washout is needed,definatly not two weeks,possably a few days,less if its parnate going to nardil than vice versa,as parnate is actualy considered by some to in facet be a REVERSABLE maois and not a IR REVERSABLE one such as nardil definatly is.
~b~ Even if the two are used without washout,or toghter for any weird reason,i always state my belief is maois are most dangerous upon actual dose time,and hour after or so.This means never try to actualy take BOTH togther concomintly in a single dose,for example i can tolerate very high amounts of spread out parnate,very high through the day,however i have a firm limit on my highest single dose of the moment,i.e 15 spread out in 20 mg al day,im fine,....60 mg only in a day BUT all at once can bring me great harm.
~c~ I also lift,and although ur right the fatigue of parnate is rough,i also notice that parnate i believe affects gh,i cant confirm this,but have heard liq deprenyl,mao also,does,and i believe it to be true.Best thing is to get home weights,so u can lift at home easly even if its minor lifts and not full blown sessions.My curl is my greatest achbievment,a little tip i have never seen mentioned but learned it from fatique,trying to one arm a day,rather than a barbell curl or alternating dumbell curls,choose the arm,and just kill it,u curled it am,ok later just grab a lighter dumbell attack it again,just totaly destroy that arm all day,even if a single set out of no where only,remeber muscles like the brain respond best when shocked,routines are never good for growth.
Muscles are just that,strong,they wont break,i dont believe in the whole let it rest theory,itll find its time to rest and repair,ur job is to make it need that repair,pick a arm and blast it to hell,even if u have only enough energy in midday for a single set,make that set count.
Anyway think of it also as,yess parnate randomly saps energy,but untreated depression sure doesent leave a lot of motivation or energy either to workout.