Posted by rjlockhart on February 23, 2007, at 23:33:15
Im sorry, i was doing inventory till 2:30 in the morning, i did the entire GAP stock room by MYSELF "yes round of applause for me" because no one did.
Anyways, the inventory crew or company where scanning all pants, shirts, you know accessories... like 1500 things i had to count.
Well there was about 30 inventory people there, after they clocked out, i said i need some more coffee to stay awake,
he was like oh sorry "dude im taking 6 hydrocodones when im getting home" which i know he wasnt presciebd that.
Im sorry that just is a pet peave. I have made comments about "oo, i would take a halcion" being sarcastic, as in how freaking stressed i was.
Im so tired right now im sorry trying to think what else to type.
I dont even want to take my xanax, well you know what im too tired, im taking a break from it. I take when i have blows, you know "P-A's" panic attacks.