Posted by notfred on October 6, 2006, at 22:40:29
In reply to building Tolerance levels- benzos and adderall, posted by nickguy on October 5, 2006, at 12:43:40
For me tolerance to Dexadrine/Desoxyn and Ativin was selective. I have never become tolerant to benzos antianxiety effects. Tolerance to the euphoria happened. I never became tolerant to any of the amphetamine positive effects and I took an amphetamine every day for several years. I did get tolerant to the appetite suppressing effects, this effect went away totally. I gained weight the whole time I was on an amphetamine.
I have experienced initial tolerance; the starting dose worked fine for a while, then I needed a slight increase. After that the same dose worked fine over time, with no need for increase.
For me, as long as I do not have to always increase the dose over time to get the same effects I don't worry about tolerance.
With meds like benzos and amphetamines I think some mistake the high/euphoria as a sign the med is working and as tolerance builds to the high/euphoria they increase to get this feeling back as they think the med is no longer working.
Don't chase the high, it is a bad trap to fall into.I have a long view of things as I have been on meds for decades. Sometimes I need to take more,
perhaps I am having a bad month or quarter. I am not conserned with these short term increases provided I can lower the dose back to where I was b4.