Posted by willyee on September 15, 2006, at 15:28:19
Had my doc appt again,talked to a really nice guy who is the nurse,and brought in all my drugs.
Simply shot me down,not much of an explanation.Also i mentioned that my last visit she negelected to refill my ambeien which i get 20 tabs a month,i dont use them often and less than 30 is fine,so even having a month stretch i was ok because i was using partial tabs.
She refused to fill the normal 20,this came from me introduction to her from my doc that retired.
I gave her back a full bottle of Geodon explaining to her i did not want to use it,i choose not too,this she had a problem with and second guessed me,but took it.
So thinking i was doing the right thing by bringing in all my drugs,all it did was confuse her to why,she looked at me like why did i,i kept telling her to make the appt go smoothr and see what i was currently using from her.She kept the Geodon,refused the ambien,refused any additional drug,and sent me on my way.
Where does this professional see any room for improvement here.
She told me lyrcia was not a drug her collegueas or the rep said should be used for anxiety,and i handed her papers showing it was apporved in Europe for this but she prob tossed those.
I think i posted this info already,had trouble due to forgetting my password,but another 30 days on the same drugs.
I dont think that is very fair to me.