Posted by jealibeanz on July 13, 2006, at 21:53:33
In reply to Re: My new list of symptoms for my doc, posted by jealibeanz on July 13, 2006, at 10:52:49
I wonder if stopping my Strattra would help. I know it caused insomnia when I first began taking it, even though I'd been on lunesta successfully for 5 months at the time. I only have mild ADD. (I think most of the severe symptoms are caused by the anxiety/depression, I can probably manage the ADD by willpower and work ethic if my other illnesses are uncontrol. Unfortunately they are not.) So I may be OK, but am in an intense grad program right now so hesistate a little to D/C.
I know it gave me so energy during the day, I definitely appreciated that when I first started. I don't notice it now, but would surely miss it if I were to crash! I have classes sometimes up to 10 hours are day straight! No time for rest. All waking hours are spent studying. So I need energy, which I am lacking due to the fact that I don't sleep. So maybe it would be a trade off. Drop the Straterra, sleep at night, be refreshing, just not extra energized from medicated during the day.
I also worry that I'd sink into major depression since I'm at a pretty bad state right now and the Strattera is known as an off label antidepressant, a NE reuptake inhibitor, sorta like Wellbutrin without the DA reuptake and tiny bit of SE reuptake nobody talks about and Effexor without the SE reuptake. The funny thing is take both Effexor and Wellbutrin caused me to gain weight rapidly, killed my appetite, and caused apathy. Straterra lessens my appetite, but no weight gain or appetite. I guess my body doesnt mind NE reuptake, but doesn't like SE or DA reuptake. I also gained with Paxil and Buspar.
Here's more detail on my past drug's metabolism:Wellbutrin (gained 20 lbs in 4 months)
DA reuptake inhibition +
NE increase
ACh(n) antagonistBuspar (2 lbs/wk)
5-HT1a full agonist (pre)
5-HT1a partial agonist (post)
DA2 partial agonist
* 1-PP metabolite:
NE-alpha2 antagonistPaxil (2lbs/wk)
5-HT reuptake inhibition +++
ACh(m) antagonistEffexor- gained quickly 20lbs, in 6 wks! this gives some clue that probably all of these receptors are the likely culprits for me!
5-HT reuptake inhibition +++
NE reuptake inhibition ++
DA reuptake inhibition +Current:
NE reuptake inhibition +++
-no major side effectsLunesta:
BZD, GABA receptor agonistXanax- Current, 2 months (.75 mg total daily); provides OK anxiety relief, need a higher dosage to be fully efftive
BZD agonist
5-HT release ... this is like serotonin, meaning a liklihood to gain weight? I have had some struggle lately despite my best efforts. Has anyone else experienced this? I know some people move less, but I work out a tonnn, in the AM before taking it. Then I have a busy day, so no opportunity to lie on the couch all day.Based on my current past history, what would be a good next line of treatment for the anxiety/depression/ADD/insomnia?! (alot, I know). I'm willing to leave the ADD untreated. As far as anxeity depression meds go, I'm completely against weight gain as a side effect. I don't like apathy, but I think that goes along with whatever causes weight gain. For insomnia... I hate Ambien! Made my crazy and feel drugged. I need something that's effective, yet doesn't cause me to sleepwalk and hallucinate.