Posted by willyee on May 5, 2006, at 17:10:12
In reply to Re: Kennedy blames Ambien and Phenergin, posted by ed_uk on May 5, 2006, at 13:40:24
Ambien is a excellent drug for me,i take partial tab as the aim is not for the drug to KNOCK u out but rahter take small doses to see if it will aid u in trying to get to sleep the way u normaly would.
If someone is taking it as to have it in a blink make them wanna sleep,then that is a hazard.I think a doc and patient should work hard at this aim of using the drug as an AID to getting to sleep,not as a bomb that knocks u out.
I use a partial tab,and dont think about it,difference is when i turn to the side to go to sleep i do.When i just simply took an entire tab i felt like crap,high and yucky.Theres no way a dosage in tab form can be elected to suite everyone,thats why i break apart almost every pill that u can and attempt to use the lowest dose possable,i have a bottle of tons of klonopin pieaces as well as ambien,i do not at all crave it,and it has no after effects.Ambien has saved me from that gut wrenching up at 3 am alone roaming the house depression,and im thankful its been working steadly.
The kennedy situation is obviously a case of abuse,first i have gotten high from script drugs,and no matter how bad i was i ALWAYS knew driving was not an option,never ever ever.
Second he is just now admitting to the actual reason,who knows what his coctail that night really incluided,and why would u be on ambien 2 am and not in bed,but RATHER on the streets driving!
Lol if someone thought this situation was a good reference to remove the drug would need one heck of a lawyer.