Posted by yxibow on March 30, 2006, at 2:56:03
In reply to REMERON OR JUST ME?, posted by SLIPAWAY on March 29, 2006, at 21:43:17
> Hello,
> i have started remeron for depression/anxiety/ocd
> 3 days ago. I have a tendency to be somewhat hasty in my deciding wheteher or not a med. is working or gonna work for me. in the past i took paxil 10 mg. for 5 years and no major episodes arose but this winter i fell deep into a pit of depression/anxiety with alot of life changes and
> the paxil wasn't cutting it anymore. after a week of zoloft and insomnia to go with itA week of Zoloft is definately not a trial -- and there are other SSRIs too. They take up to 12 weeks to really work although one can find some benefit in the first 2-4 weeks or so. I can understand the frustration -- the doctor should have prescribed something like Lunesta or the like.
i found myself on this remeron.i stopped all meds for 3 weeks first. now on day 3 of remeron i have this feeling like i'm not real and not myself and my identity and feelings and normal persona is gone.
> i feel like i'm lost somewhere? like me was taken from me! i can't explain it really but it's a terrible feeling. xanax isnt helping so i dont think its anxiety. can anyone suggest what may be happening to me? is it from this remeron?15 mg.
> should i stop it, or is it just the chemicals shifting and settling in my brain?
> i'm really frustrated and can't afford to be like this much longer,
> thanx for any input~
It does sound like some adjustment between the Zoloft and the Remeron, but who can say. And probably some haze from initially starting Remeron which in some people disappears, some not. A lot of people -- and I'm not blaming you, pitch medicine early on.There are side effects, and not pleasant, but for the seriously depressed, Remeron is a very good medicine, with two faults. One -- it makes you incredibly sleepy, and two, you have to lock the fridge -- I gained quite a lot on it. It offers some neurotransmitter blockades that SSRIs don't offer. I don't know if the European Mianserin which it was derived from was also as sleepy making but I would hedge a guess.
Some say very high doses decrease the sleepiness, I haven't seen this, but as they say your miles may vary.
Stick it out if you can a little longer -- if it isnt doing anything in several weeks, maybe thats a fair enough trial, Remeron tends to be quicker acting in my opinion.But thats just my 2c
- J