Posted by CEK on March 26, 2006, at 20:10:37
I have not been able to work since January 25 because of my major depression and rapid cycling. I am no longer able to function outside of my home or even in it anymore. What I was wondering is how do you get your doctors to fill out information for your disability insurance? I have disability through my employer and have been aproved for it but my doctors are not cooperative about continuing to give the disabiliy company more information about my condition why asked for it. My claim is on hold and no checks come in until they summit the requested information. One doctor will wait up til two weeks to get the information in and the psychiatrist said my condition and file were none of the disability companies business and he would not send them any information. They need this information or I don't get a check and then I can't even pay the $110.oo and hour each of them get paid to treat me. They get their money up front and they don't care how I survive. How do you deal with this situation? Anxiety is one of my bad problems also and this doesn't help. I've talked to them and it doesn't do any good. Are all doctors like this? I have to be getting some sort of treatment to stay on the disability insurance so I can't stop going. Besides I need the treatment so I hopefully can get better and go back to work. How to people afford to pay for treatment? It is so expensive. My health insurance only allows 25 visits for mental health which they only pay 50% of and now the rest is on me. My husband makes too much money to qualify for any assistance yet his money only pays for our bills. My paycheck paid for food, gas, and all the extras. Without my check there is no money for the extras. I thought about trying to apply for my social security disability but the attourny I spoke to said I would need my psychiatrist to write a letter stating that I could not work for 12 months. How do you find a doctor that will state this when nobody knows how long it will take you to get better? They just say that it can take a while and they don't know. The bipolar I know is here for good but I don't know how long it will be until I'm able to completely function. The way it's going,I don't know if I'll ever be better.