Posted by CEK on March 24, 2006, at 21:07:14
In reply to Re: Seroquel, Zoloft and Lamactil, posted by blueberry on March 24, 2006, at 19:54:45
Thank you for responding. I figured there would be no life out there to my response. I was thinking it could be the Seroquel also because I had done a lot of looking up the different meds and it had some scary side effects along with some of the other meds in the same catagory. I had seen a nurse practioner at a mental health clinic prior to seeing this psychiatrist that wanted to put me on Lithium and I pitched a fit because I was afraid of the side effects. She was the one that started the Lamactil.(That's why I've been on it longer than the other two.) I was feeling so bad and didn't have much faith in a nurse practioner prescribing me these kinds of meds (besides the fact that they were completely incompatent and uncaring at that clinic) and had my psychologist refer me to a psychiatrist. I didn't want to do the Seroquel either but my husband said I was going to have to stop bucking and kicking about what they gave me and do what they suggested because it might help me. Lord knows I haven't been getting better on my own and it is so hard living in northeast Misssissippi trying to find a good psychiatrist. There is a shortage here so I see one in Memphis which is a good haul from here. This doctor that I am seeing is one that I don't feel I could even suggest any alternatives to. He has that typical attitude of I know everything, you're a messed up idiot, do what I say and that's it kinda thing. I have seen 4 psychiatrists so far counting the week in the hospital that I spent in January for the suicidal thoughts. They were all the same. Very cold, kinda hateful acting. Made me feel like I was bothering them or something. They all made me feel uncomfortable. It's hard to give them all the info that they need when you feel like they want you to hurry up and get out of their office. My husband wants me to stay on the Seroquel and give it a chance. He thinks it's good that it makes me hyper because at least then I'm not sleeping all the time. I understand that, but is there no happy median? Surely it's not good to feel like you could pull your hair out or someone elses all day. I use to take 2-3Benadryl to make me sleep because of the racing thoughts but the doctor said I needed the Seroquel for a mood stablizer and it would help me sleep also and stop the Benadryl. I don't know how to get the right help or who to go to. I've called all over. I guess I'm stuck.