Posted by fiftylager on February 14, 2006, at 14:07:48
Well, I went to the dreaded dr's appt. My dr. is very nice but I am doctor phobic. She read my letter and made me cry telling me how brave I was for writing it. I wasn't brave really, just felt like I was going crazy. She is referring me to a psychiatrist. She thinks I have bipolar. She said I've probably had it since I was a teen but it wasnt' diagnosed then and she figures I started to really rapid cycle which is why I freaked out. I couldn't get a hold of myself I was up and down all day long. She gave me some clonazepam for the anxiety and told me the psych would probably prescribe lithium and then introduce an anti-depressant.
I was disappointed but not really surprised. I've always known something was wrong and often thought bipolar. I think she figures I'm bipolar 2 because I don't really get euphoric, just some good days and a hell of a lot of anger and irritibility and anxiety.
Thank-you all for your above responses. They were very helpful when I thought I was losing my mind. If I do have bp2 I think the cycling is slowing down now as I've felt a little better the last couple of days with fewer highs and lows. I've also got a nasty cold, grrrr...
Take care everyone!!!Crissi