Posted by BRC on February 12, 2005, at 18:06:23
I do not have epilepsy nor Bi-polar mania or anything. I was placed on Trileptal by my neurologist as the resutlt to help the pain caused by nerve damage in my leg and back.
However, I began to notice that the Trileptal helped with my thoughts and anxiety caused by my OCD, GAD, and Major Depression and my pdoc agreed to continue using the med.
I have been taking 1,800mg in 900mg divided doses for the past 6-8months. I have began to notice that with the extended period of use that I have developed really bad headaches and blurry vision. When I wake up each morning it feels like I have terrible headaches and have to take Motrin all day to keep them at bay and my eyes hurt terriblly.
I cannot find anything by researching the web so I thought I may ask your expert opinions.
From what I have read it says do not discontiue the medication abrubply if you have epilisy for fear that a seizure may occur.
But if you are not on the med for that and you do not have epilepsy or seizure disorders can you just stop taking it. I mean I haven't taken my doses for today and my headache is gone for the first time in weeks. And my eyes could actually focus to read and use the computer. But am I at risk for any side effects if I elect not to continue the med.
Any thoughts or comment would be appreciative.