Posted by TheOutsider on December 7, 2004, at 17:53:51
Nothing works for my SA appart from GHB which I can no longer get hold of!
SSRIs don't help, Clomipramine didn't help, diazapam doesn't help.
I'm not very suprised that these meds don't help, the thing that really upset me is that Clonazepam doesn't help either, I thought this was supposed to be one of most effective meds for SA, it does help somewhat, but it leaves me so foggy headed and depressed that the bad effects outweigh the good.My last hope is either an MAOI(!)or Pregabalin, but to quote Tolkin this seems "Only a fools hope".
Perhapse I was just meant to be alone for the rest of my life, and I'm being punished for something? I feel like I should just give up.Sorry for spelling I am dyslexic, also sorry if I sound whiny.