Posted by Geno on August 19, 2004, at 20:58:13
Hi, again, i recently posted before on a thread, but lost track of it, but anyway i have a few comments and questions for some expert amphetamine/psychostimulant people.
First, It seems there are (for me) alot of good things adderall has gave me, but after reading some articles, not on this forum, but i think most of these articles related to methamphetamine and cocaine, but they talk about how prolong usage of amphetamines, depletes dopamine in certain regions of the brain, causing all kinds of problems, such as you need more of the drug to keep you high or alert due to receptor desensitivity, and stopping amphetamines causes dysphoria, no motivation, the exact opposite of what i want happen.
Now im diagnosed with add. My doc has me on 30mg of adderall 2x daily, but i know i need 3 doses because this stuff wears off in 4-5 hrs tops. So if i get up at say 10am, i redose at 3pm, then at 8pm, when i do need it the most, i dont get any benifit. And im up to 2am, usually doing work. Now i started at 10mg and after 4-5 months im at 30mg and im like immune and hardly can feel the effects. Iv tried caffiene and hardly nothing.
Some research says to take stimulant "holidays" like stop for a week, but i know for that week, ill be sleeping, depressed zombie, drinking 10 pots of coffee with minimal results. Now im wondeing if i stop and take ephedrine, which is a form of amphetamine, i will still have some energy and will help the adderall effect build up? Or will it just take the place of adderall and actually do nothing because that is an amphetamine like compound?Now the reason why adderall is great is because the day i started it, i became very motivated, creative, did alot more work, had less drug (opiate) craving, worked out hard, , but after a while i just needed more. Now im at the max dose, and im feeling that im immune to it. WOW , i never thought that would happen this fast. Now there are alternatives like stopping adderall and taking a tci like desipramine, or maybe another dopamine agonist. Some NOOtropic meds have psychostimulant properties such as bromocriptine, Pergolamine, Deprynl, which may be a mao.
So do i stop adderall for a while, lower my dose and take another stimulant, or try another drug or noortropic? Im not a speed freek or have i ever used meth or coke, no, moreso alcohol and opiates, so im not really concerned with addiction, even so adderall never got me "high" but it just made me do things and feel motivational , and things seemed more interesting. I do recall a time i ran out, for about 5 days, ANd i slept for 3 and the other 2 i layed around. Coffee didnt help. THis time i have ephedrine and desipramine. 2 drugs that may help.