Posted by 4mygrls on May 27, 2004, at 19:54:52
decided to take me off of lamictal and put me on lithium. i have what is called bipolar nos. i am not classic bipolar but bipolar non the less. i am not manic. atleast he doesn't think so but i have a fealing i am. the lamictal made me so emotional and irritable. i never knew what was going to happen next. so lithium is my next drug to try. i am scared to death. i have never been afraid of any of my meds but this one i am. i am afraid of the multi organ shutdown i have heard of. i am afraid of the utter fog that i may be under. i know i am probably being overly concerned but it scares me. i am leaving to visit my sister out of state in about a week and a half and the only good thing is that she has experience dealing with anticonvulsent meds. My whole family will be there and they all know alot about these meds. My nephew has seizures and has been on many different meds. All of my family has learned all about anticonvulsents. oh, except me. i have desperatly tried to avoid the word lithium or depakote but now it's my turn. i feel like this fear is making me fall into a deeper depression. oh, and this frequent bathroom trips and possible drooling is appealing. i'm not that bad without meds. when i went on lamictal, it was the first visit with my new pdoc. the lamictal gave me horrid mood swings. i never had them as bad as when i was on the lamictal. i've had the same trouble with topomax and slightly with trileptal. i don't really understand why the jump to lithium? i have tried all of the ssri's and i'm presently on wellbutrin. the ssri's made me less depressed but i would still have episodes of extreme depression and irritability. i always attributed it to pms though. all i know is now i sit here scared to death that this will be another med that just fails and messes me up forever too. i've read that the lithium can do ireversable damage to your kidneys.