Posted by HappyGirl on May 27, 2004, at 0:08:29
In reply to ****HOW TO GET OFF 4 MEDS? *****, posted by holymama on May 26, 2004, at 9:05:54
Normally, 'one med. at a time' regimen is the best policy once coming to 'Bp II with rapid cycler' as recalling your dxed with this in your previous post. Then, in my opinion along with a BIG guess, ... as you've been suspecting of your pdoc., he seems trying to rash everything all once. That technique might be GOOD for some of Bp without any complexicity. However, in my knowledge along with my personal experience, this illness with Rapid Cycler is one of the worst cases next to schizoaffective Bp. Hence, ... slowing down, ... one med. like mood-stabilizer at first dosage, ... then next after seeing some stabilization, comes anti-depressant and atypical, Geodon.
For me, it(M.S. alone regimen) took almost one and a half years to get this, Bp stabilized, not full, ... just half-way stabilization. Afterwards, atypical(Zyprexa) for rapid cylcer, rages and all those 'nasty' problem due to Bp added. That worked VERY GREAT on me although as you might see, ... it took LONG TIME for me to get/feel better. Once or twice, evern more than three times, ... I never dreamed I was able to get as close to normal as I am now.
Judging about your prod's performance is very tricky due to their personal preference in their profession. However, we could say at least some of those pdocs. does NOT suitable to your condition like anything else. Then, I too agree with the idea above poster, ... going to hospital to get your condition under some control. But, I never been in hospital, then no definite opinion on this. You and your husband needs to decide this plan.