Posted by snapper on April 5, 2004, at 19:41:08
Hi, & thankns to anyone who reads this and responds - in advance --- Has anybody had a positive effect from an MAOI such as Parnate- taken 12 years ago then pooped out, had any success with re-initiating it several years later and had very good response. Secondly Has anyone here that currently frequents PB had A Very successful response To Marplan?
I am getting desperate!! and Do Not like the S/E'
profile that I know to be significant with Nardil-
I have been on every class of AD's out there and do not wish to entertain the thoguht of the TCA's-I have had 27 ECT treatments over a period of 5 to 7- months back in fall of 2001 & spring 2002. I had a pretty robust response to about the 1st 10 to 12 Ect treatments...enought that I was able to go an a trip to Arizona but while out there I REALLY screwded up and started drinking. I was continuing to take my FXR- and Depakote when I was stuipidly Medicating my self for residual social anxieties.. I could feel my self falling slowly but surely and I ended up coming home after 5 weeks.. then continued w/approx. 12-14 more ECT treatments. Then in March of 2002 - One of the Dr.s Administering ECT told me that he did'nt see any reason to continue with any more treatments. I think he probably made the correct choice in no more treatments- (prob also to save my memory)! Then told me to attend a partial 1/2 day outpatient program at hosp. then found out that Medicaid was NOT paying for any of it. So needless to say I continued on FXR and some other meds. But my social anxiety etc kept me from going out and being active to keep the depression at bay. Eventually my Mom & Dad did'nt know what to do with me because all I wanted to do was stay up late at night and sleep till 4 to 6 p.m. the t next day (obviously all in an effort to avoid dealing with things!)My Mom and Dad are Very supportive but just did'nt know what to do with me so they took it upon themselves to put me in a "Group Home" it was NUTS !! The administrators were ignorant and mean and indifferent, the house rules sucked and I knew I did NOT belong there... I told my parents that if they did'nt get me out of there I was going to kill myself... needless to say they responded and immediately found another Residential Care Facility for me to stay in from July of 2002 to Feb of 2003- It was much better and there were more functional people there -but it also Mainly consisted of Sr. Citizens. Some Shcizo-Effective's , some BI-Polar types and even some people around my age (35) at the time!! I liked it a whole lot better but still was not fully functional cuz a lack of response to AD's etc. Jump forward to now, I have been living w/ My semi-retired parents and my sister (41) who moved home from AZ, to also try and get her life back together!! So my living situation is much improved - However I still am very depressed, anxious, phobic about most things in re: to doing outside the home etc. My current pdoc tells me that I need to "Just get out and be with people" and My symptoms will Improve-while that is true to some extent, I still know I feel very hopeless and helpless. I am a partial responder to AD's and mood stabilizers etc. I have intense suicidal Ideation every day my short term memory is absolutely crap I am severely anergic and anhedonic, nothing is fun, I feel like I am about to lose my mind half the time-have an almost constant pressure in my head - I am edgy irritable , nervous, hostile and feel like telling the world to stick it. I do see a T every 2 weeks and she is very supportive etc. When I try to do the things that should and do usually improve depression and anxiety - like exercize etc. I am so fatigued that I feel like an 92 yr old man. MY parents feel better than I do. My pdoc who I currently see, says that he has given me everything and offered me everything that Psychiatry has to offer and I just don't belive him!! HE is not a pill pusher and says I am expecting to much from "these medications". Yes I do realize the psycho-social aspects of trying to recover from Dep. & Anxiety-but I also feel that there must be must be some more effective meds to help me- fwiw he practices out of a County Mental Health Clinic, and I sometimes think that because of this, he sort of has his hands tied in trying to help me find other potential pharamacological remedies> ie: can only do so much but nothing to radical!! Depression and anxiety disorders have literally cost me my business, my car, my credit, my freedom and independence all of my self esteem and then some. I am not asking anybody to feel sorry for me but I would just like to know from some of you out there-if you have been in this type of situation(s) and have figured a way out!!
Current diagnosis:
BP II- Atypical features
Anxiety disorders-OCD, GAD,Social Phobia, panic,etc.
and previous pdoc says Personality Disorder-NOS
Which might be true from just having all these mental symptoms!
I know that there are no easy answers to all or any of this but I just have to have some relief!!!
Thanks for listening and any input or replies are appreciated!!