Posted by AMD on January 9, 2004, at 16:10:45
In reply to Re: Lithium » AMD, posted by katia on January 9, 2004, at 15:54:55
Regarding a comment you made below:
The interesting thing is, for four years, Celexa has been incredible at helping my depression. I was fine for four long years. Then I drank too much and crashed, probably for some emotional reasons in addition to my increasing alcohol consumption. At that point I was put on Lithium. (In October.)
Since then I have not had a single day where I felt myself, normal. So, on the contrary, Celexa (an AD) has worked wonders, whereas the Lithium and now Lamictal have had mixed results, at best. I'm off Lithium (day two), and I think my mind is a bit clearer, but I'm still wondering: perhaps my best option would simply be to switch to another AD. Maybe something like Prozac. I have this nagging feeling I've been overdiagnosed and I'm now entering a scary experimental phase of starting and stopping other drugs. I don't know what to think anymore... I just know that I've been depressed. Not manic. Not mixed. DEPRESSED. So I feel like I've been prescribed medicine for something I don't need fixed! Meanwhile I wait out this depression...
(The only reason I have more patience with Lamictal is that a) it appears to have fewer cognitive side effects, and b) it works as an antidepressant. Of course these two things are closely related.)
> Hi Adam,
> > ### Questions for you: how did you feel on the
> > ### Lamictal? Did it affect your cognition for
> > ### better/worse? Did it help with your
> > ### depression? Was it effective for the
> > ### cycling? (I am on the fourth day: still
> > ### taking just 25mg/day.)
> **When I first started lamictal, I was on Depakote as well. I got that wonderful zingy hypomania for the first few days of an upping and then it'd level off. That nice feeling only lasted as long as I was on Dep. then I got off of Dep. (I was still rapid cycling and I had a scare of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome which can lead to infertility). Dep. can cause this. So I was at 200mg of Lam. and doing better than if I wasn't on anything - I could feel the power of depression knocking at my door but Lam. wouldn't let it in. However, I have intense mixed states and irritability (irrationally so on Lam. alone) hence me going to Lithium. But now, I lost Lam. due to the rash (thanks lithium) and probably will lose Lithium too. With the cognition, it probably helped in the way that I'd get really inspired (hypomanic), but then it'd level off. I was definitely writing a lot pre-Lithium.
> > ### Day two, and I definitely feel a little more
> > ### mentally alert. Still pangs of depression,
> > ### and a lot of self-doubt, but not so bad.
> > ### Perhaps a bit 'mixed' -- but I don't think
> > ### so. That's just what I get for having
> > ### that thought suggested to me.
> **Very funny - the power of suggestion. Who suggested you were mixed? And good news on getting your brain back!
> ### Blood alcohol level: all this started after
> > ### I (binge) drank enough to put myself in the
> > ### hospital with a BAL of .25. That was about
> > ### two months ago, and my medical checkup
> > ### afterward was fine.
> **So when did you get your diagnosis (dx)? How long have you been trying medication? If you just started, consider yourself lucky that you didn't have to go through a hellish year (like I did and Katy did) on antidepressants before someone finally thought about it and gave the correct dx = bipolar. It's no fun to be on ADs if you're bipolar (without a mood stabilizer with it). If you're questioning the dx, you should read other's experiences with bipolar (specifically II) and see if it resonates.
> > ### Bingo, my fears exactly. It's like I went
> > ### from one person one day to a different
> > ### person the next. Kind of hard to take with
> > ### 26 years under my belt!
> **Yeah, I'm feeling lots of empathy for demented elderly people or alzheimer's patients now. It's an awful feeling. And I'm 33 and have no idea who I am outside of moodiness and mood swings! (well, I have an idea, but a lithium induced stupor is not it).
> > ### I can grasp them, it's just more difficult.
> > ### I am used to reviewing a chapter I haven't
> > ### read before class and then aceing the test.
> > ### That kind of thing. I'm spoiled by being
> > ### gifted!
> **Very gifted indeed. Are you in college?
> > wake up!". I just squint as though that'll help with my cognitive processes!
> >
> > ### That's an interesting approach... =)
> **yes, that and holding your temples at the same time seems to do something...:-)
> > ### Yes, brain fog even at 300 mg, but nowhere
> > ### near as badly as at 600 mg. For now, 40 mg
> > ### Celexa, 25 mg Lamictal titrating up to 150 mg.
> **It sounds like the Celexa is not helping with your depression? How long have you been on it?
> Cheerio-
> Katia