Posted by maxx44 on December 4, 2003, at 22:04:16
recent findings confirm 'mental-illness'an actual nervous system pathogen invasion--100% physical.
as TB or HIV, or the flu. Newsweek major story, featured on dr. and mental patient, caregiver---actually the whole world needs to know. when i showed the article to my phd, the part that points out 'mental illness' acts as if contageous, like the flu, he flipped. he said in 15 years of child-practice he'd treated only 5 prior autistic kids, but this year it was 50, and that seemed limited to the tampa bay area. just like a germ (or other pathogen) epidemic would behave. this should bring 'The Stigma' and political miss-treatment of ourselves to a hault. i've posted former evidence of this view---now i have the nails, we have them, to hammer the coffin of ignorance and abuse shut.
we're not crazy---we are, now in fact proven, infected. no anti-biotic causes TD. the etire mental health issue must be gone-over. drug cos. must find the 'cure', not unwittingly destroy people by suppressing symptoms alone. ok on 'cured'? sounds good to me.