Posted by Cece on October 2, 2003, at 19:58:49
In reply to Re: Reverse (summer) SAD, long, posted by phoeb on October 2, 2003, at 10:50:54
Sorry for your horrible times- I remember them. Yes, remember them, since I haven't had one for about 5 years since my (complicated) med cocktail got worked out well for me. I'm very grateful, having in some aspects, lost years of my life to instability and terrible depression.
The fact that you are on Lamictal indicates that your doctor probably feels that there is a bi-polar component to your depression. This can be hard to recognize yourself if the depressive side of your cycling is most causing you to suffer. It was for me. Since being diagnosed correctly as BPII, I have been able to start trying different meds and combinations that are appropriate. But even so, it has taken years to get it right, and from time to time they still need adjusting.
Cycling is not unusual, it's more the norm with affective mood disorders- if that's any reassurance.
The best thing to do is to work with a doctor who is smart, up-to-date, and who you trust and communicate well with. If your current doctor doesn't meet these criteria, interview other possible doctors in your community. If you are near a medical school, that's a very good resource. I began my successful treatment with a resident at an excellent med school.
What the right meds are for each person is very individual, so I certainly can't give you advice on what to try or what to get off of. Do however discuss dosages with your doctor- if Lamictal seems to help you, pushing the dose up might help more (it did me).
I will mention that one thing that has made a big difference for me is thyroid supplement, even though I tested only barely below normal. It is an accepted treatment for depression, expecially bi-polar depression. I now take enough Levothroid (same as Synthroid) to push my thyroid level up to the higher end of the normal range. There are 2 types of thyroid supplement, T-3 and T-4, and Levothroid is T-4. I previously took Cytomel (T-3) for several years but it didn't do much if anything for me, although it apparently works well for some people.
I'm curious why you put your post on this particular thread. Do you have a feeling that your depression is seasonal?
Take care,
> Help. I have a cyclical depression that is not linked to my menstrual cycle, nor is it completely predictable. I just "got over" a 9-month horrible, serious depression, but now with this cycling in and out of suicidal depression I don't know what to think, or do. I'nm on Nardil, Nortriptyline, lamictal, and lorazepam or zyprexa when needed. Does anyone else have this experience? I'm desperate to know, as I feel like a freak experiencing this on my own.