Posted by McPac on May 19, 2003, at 18:44:38
In reply to OUT OF CONTROL...a horrid week, posted by ace on May 19, 2003, at 1:46:17
I'm still wondering if the biggest problem for you during the last 2-week period or so was simply that you weren't on ANYTHING at any kind of therapeutic level??? i.e., the Nardil was completely gone from your system and the Anafranil was far too little in your system to prevent the lousy feelings that you experienced after stopping the Nardil??? Could it have been a "withdrawal"-type reaction from the Nardil being completely out of your system? Or, perhaps it WAS a bad reaction to the Anafranil? Or a combo of the two? I know that I often have a fitful time when trying new meds (sometimes its due to my body trying to adjust to the new drug...sometimes the "fear" of not knowing what may happen can even spur or exacerbate terrible anxiety) is hard to say for sure exactly what created your hellish couple of weeks....I know that the last time I tried to ditch my Zoloft, in an attempt to try another med, there was HELL TO PAY! Seriously NASTY effect...and a "double-whammy" effect at that---the terrible effect of the Zoloft withdrawal COMBINED with my body 'trying' to adjust to the new med....I couldn't complete the mission!...felt VERY, VERY bad...that's the worst thing about the Nardil "washout" wouldn't be AS bad for you IF you could have taken the Anafranil WITH the Nardil, and established a steady, effective Anafranil dose, and THEN started slowly decreasing the Nardil...but by having to clear out ALL of the Nardil from your system and leaving you on NOTHING, while at the same time giving way to withdrawal symptoms, and THEN having to start the Anafranil---it's a time period "ripe" for negative possibilities.....was it the loss of the Nardil in your system, the withdrawal that followed the loss of the Nardil in your system, the Anafranil itself, the fact that there was nothing (neither Nardil OR enough therapeutic Anafranil) in your system, combinations of some or all of hard to say exactly why...I still think it may have been a case of: Nardil withdrawal + unpleasant effects of a new drug...the fact that you said that just ONE 'speck' of Nardil had you magically feeling sooo much better SPEAKS of WITHDRAWAL VERY, VERY STRONGLY! that all being said, I hope that you feel much better if you continue on the Nardil and hopefully you can find something to give you additional "anti-ocd" power...God Bless and Very Best Wishes Ace! OCD bites and bites hard! I've got some add'l ideas you could try to pursue...let me know! Take care ocd brother! You RULE Ace!